Summer 2012 junior year 014

Marissa's Timeline

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    Todos los anos, en siete de julio, ibamos el tumba de mi hermano, Trevor.

  • Yo nacio

    Yo nacio
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    Nosotros celebramos mis cumpleanos todos los anos.

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    Cuanda tenia ocho anos, iba a Jamestown par visitaba mis abuelos.

    We try to stay pretty close to our grandparents because they do live out of town and dont get to see all of our events.
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    Cuanda tenia ocho anos, mi visitia mi madre en la hospital para mi hermana nacio.

    My sister was moved from Jamestown hospital to fargo hospital the day after she was born and was out into intensive care. She now has learning disabilities but gets incredibly smarter every single day!
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    Cuanda tenia cuatro anos, ibamos trineo en el invierno.

    We used to sled a lot. especially when we lived at the farm.
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    Cuanda tenia seis ano, vivia en mi casa a la granja.

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    Cuanda teni cinco anos, yo creia en Papa Noel.

  • Yo visite mis primos en Washington

    Yo visite mis primos en Washington
    My grandma had passed away. She lived in Washington and so when we went over to see her when she was sick (a few days before she passed away of pneumonia) and it gave me and my siblings a chance to see my cousins again!
  • Yo empece jugue voleibol.

    Yo empece jugue voleibol.
    i began to play volleyball about 7 years ago!
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    Todos los verano, mi familia miraba la carreras en Jamestown.

    My uncle, my mom's sister's husband, races with his two other brothers and my dads side of the family are big race fans.
  • Yo recibe mi primer telephono.

    Yo recibe mi primer telephono.
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    Cuanda tenia catorce anos, nosotros fuimos Wisconsin Dells in el verano.

    We liked to go there for two summers in a row and see the sites. It is a lot of fun.
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    Cuanda tenia catorce, andaba a la escuela todos los dias.

    I feel safer when i drive then when others drive. Especially in winter on ice. I like being in control of the car.
  • Yo recibe mi licencia.

    Yo recibe mi licencia.
  • Nosotros fuimos a la parque de diversiones en Minnesota.

    Nosotros fuimos a la parque de diversiones en Minnesota.
    We were in Minnesota over my sister, Michelle's, birthday.
  • Nosotros celebrar mi cumpleanos de deiciseis anos.

    Nosotros celebrar mi cumpleanos de deiciseis anos.
  • Yo trabaje para mi padre.

    Yo trabaje para mi padre.
    i began to work for my dad and then i was told that there was a job opening at a daycare just two doors down from my dads store.
  • Yo ande a Jamestown para voleibol a ano pasado.

    Yo ande a Jamestown para voleibol a ano pasado.
    i did volleyball in jamestown before i decided to go to devils lake because jamestown cut off most of their volleyball teams this year
  • Yo aprendi a pescar de novio.

    Yo aprendi a pescar de novio.
  • Fui a Texas.

    Fui a Texas.
    I went to Texas for National FBLA this last summer and had a lot of fun! Would love to go again!
  • Yo practique voleibol en Devils Lake

    Yo practique voleibol en Devils Lake
    i play for a volleyball league in Devils Lake
  • Yo trabaje mucho la semana pasado.

    Yo trabaje mucho la semana pasado.
  • Nosotros celebrar el cumpleanos de mi abuela.

    Nosotros celebrar el cumpleanos de mi abuela.
  • Yo aplicado para a puesto.