Marissa's Lifetime by Design

  • First Job at Clothes Mentor!

    First Job at Clothes Mentor!
    This is my first job! I make $8.00 an hour!
  • Opened my first bank account!

    Opened my first bank account!
    I opened my fisrt ever bank account! Checking and Savinings!
  • Buy my first car!

    Buy my first car!
    This will probably cost me around $1000.00! I plan on buying a used car.
  • Graduate HIgh School!

    Graduate HIgh School!
  • Take a Seniror Trip!

    Take a Seniror Trip!
    I want to go to London for my Senior Trip!
  • Start renting an apartment

    Start renting an apartment
    I plan to rent an apartment if all of the dorm rooms are full. (Hopefully live with some friends!)
  • Go to College!

    Go to College!
    I don't really know where im going to college yet!
  • Buy a new car!

    Buy a new car!
    This car will be a nice upgrade from the car that I have now.
  • Start Saving for Retirement!

    Start Saving for Retirement!
    Open another savings account to retire with!
  • Buy a house!

    Buy a house!
    Not too big yet!
  • Start saving!

    Start saving!
    This is a savings account to put extra money in just in case anything happends in my life that i may need some extra money for. (trips, kids, marrige, etc.)
  • Graduate from college!

    Graduate from college!
    I plan on going to college to become a vet, which will be about 8 years!
  • Get Married!

    Get Married!
  • Start a job as a vet!

    Start a job as a vet!
    Being a vet really excites me!!
  • Buy a Bigger House!

    Buy a Bigger House!
    Moving to a bigger house!
  • Have a baby!

    Have a baby!
    Starting a little family!
  • Savings account!

    Savings account!
    Savings account for my baby!
  • Become an Aunt!

    Become an Aunt!
    I'm basically planning my sibling's lives now!
  • Have another baby!!

    Have another baby!!
    Baby number 2!
  • Savings Account!

    Savings Account!
    Another Savings account for my other baby!
  • Get a Raise!

    Get a Raise!
    Yay for Money!
  • Go to Italy

    Go to Italy
    Take a family trip to Italy with some of the money that I recieved from my raise!
  • Go on a ski trip!

    Go on a ski trip!
    I'm going to go to Colorado when I am 52 and go skiing. I will also be taking ski lessons becuase I have to idea how to ski!
  • Grandkids!

    My first grandkid!
  • Retire!

    OMG! I'll be 62!!!!
  • Have Another Grandkid!

    Have Another Grandkid!
    Number 2!