That Infamous Day, from a soldiers point of view
Pearl harbor attacked
Pearl harbor was attacked. Me and my navy buddies were on our way to Pearl Harbor. We were just sitting around goofing off and just waiting to finally be at Hawaii. All of a sudden we saw nothing but smoke and explosions in the exact direction we were heading. over our heads were tiny specks flying past us. a ship was coming towards us, it was one of ours. "turn back! Turn back!" and we did. -
Period: to
President Roosevelts Speech, childs point of view
Pearl harbor attacked
Pearl Harbor was attacked. Mommy and grandma look real upset. I don't know why. The radios on. Mommy says that the presidents talking about something bad that happened. She says daddy is hurt. The man on the radio said that Japan wanted to hurt us, they wanted bad things to happen to my daddy. -
FDR signs executive order 9066, from 16 year old japanese pov.
I can't believe this. They've already taken away our guns, they've accused us of being illegal aliens, people already hate us. I am an american citizen. My parents are American citizens. We love this country and would do anything for it. But because we look different, we might be kicked out of our home. -
Manzanar Detention Center, from a mothers pov.
manzanar detention center The american government started the process of moving japanese and japanese american citizens to Internment Camps. They came to our house, I had to tell my children to grab their backpacks and fill them with clothes. I had my bag filled. Me, my husband, and my 6 kids loaded into their bus and we were told we were going to be okay, this is just precausionary. -
120,000 Japenese citizens, homeless. from childs pov.
120,000 moved Removal of more than 120,000 Japanese Americans from their homes and into the camps. My daddy says we are going on vacation, a long vacation. He says we're going to a place were we will be tsken care of and we can meet new people. I didn't really want to go, but i don't mind. I have my daddy and brother with me. My brothers really mad, he tried to hit the men that came to get us. -
the $42nd Infranty , japanese man pov
442nd Infranty Regiment
Henry Stinson announces reqruiting for all Japenese-American combat group I'm 18 years old. I should be in college, i should be having the best time of my life. but here i am. preparing to prove my loyalty and love for the same country who betrayed me and family. Don't get my wrong, i WANT to do this. I will do anything to prove I am an American. -
Registration for Army, Military mans POV
Registration begins for army. any japanese american citizen over 17. First we lock 'em up. Then we let 'em out. But not to mention, we're letting them into our Military. It's pure madness. They can't be trusted. -
D Day, from the soldiers pov.
d day
160,000 troops landed on heavily-fortified French coastline to fight Nazi Germany on the beaches of Normandy, France. You wouldn't believe how crazy it is out there. We got them for sure. It didn't take long at all to win. Those nazi's don't stand a chance against the United States military. We lost a few lives, but they died for a cause. Go USA. -
Shut it Down, from japanese citizens POV
closing the camps The WRA announced that all internment camps would be closed before the end of 1945 I have heard some rumors about the government letting us go home. is this a trick. do they plan to kill us the second we walk out of this prison? I no longer trust this country. i am a broken man. This war has brought out the worst in people. -
442 regime brings troops home, soldier POV
442 regime, all japenese american the 442 all japenese-american regime rescued prisoners at Dachau Concentration Camps The other soldiers always shunned us, laughed at us, called us things i wouldn't repeat to anyone else. But i am a forgiving man. I smile and think someday you will respect me. Well do you respect me now? We brought home our captured soldiers because we love our country and the men fighting for it. -
V J day, from US army wife pov.
VJ day Japan officially surrenders aboard the U.S.S. Missouri, anchored in Tokyo Bay My fiance is finally coming home. im so excited when i heard about Japan surrendering. I look out my window, and i swear i saw people dancing in the street. I'm so happy, i think i'll join them.