Maribel's Technology Progression

  • My First Gaming Console - Nintendo 64

    My First Gaming Console - Nintendo 64
    We got our first gaming console as a family Christmas Gift. I remember being super excited because we had gotten the Pokémon edition. Most of the games that we played on the 64 were Mario kart, Mario Smash Bros, Mario 64, and Hey You Pikachu. Although I wasn’t that great at any of these games at the time; I was the younger sibling that was glad I got a turn. This was the start of our Nintendo console collection, and a years later we got the Nintendo Wii console.
  • AlphaSmart Neo Word Processor

    AlphaSmart Neo Word Processor
    On the first day of 4th grade, my teacher, Mrs. Schlosser handed each student an AlphaSmart Neo Word processor. I remember thinking, “This is a cool keyboard,” but soon after I learned that it was a portable word processor. We used the AlphaSmart daily to write out our journal entries, and on Fridays, we were able to take them home to do free writing.
  • Digital Camera

    Digital Camera
    when digital cameras started to become a trend, I had begged my parents for one all year long. My annual school field trip was going to fall on my birthday, and I wanted to have a camera to take pictures and record videos with my friends. A week before my birthday, my parents surprised me with a digital camera, I was so happy that I cried. I was so thankful and appreciative for my new camera, and I am glad that I have those memories to look back on.
  • Macbook Pro

    Macbook Pro
    I had saved up all summer to purchase my first laptop. I remember being so proud of myself for buying my very own laptop and even more excited that I was not going to be confined to one space or have to go to the library to use the computer lab.
  • iPad Pro

    iPad Pro
    I got my first iPad as a gift. I remember feeling super excited that I had finally gotten an iPad; it was a big deal to me because I felt like I was going to embark on a new adventure filled with endless possibilities for productivity and creativity. I felt that having an iPad was going to help me stay organized through digital planning and log my thoughts through digital journaling. I use my iPad almost daily, and I especially love the portability and versatility of it.