Period: Dec 15, 1200 to Dec 15, 1500
Three Worlds Meet
migrate: The Europeans moved to America
Adobe: Native American names
Iroquois Beaque: William Att
Renaissance: "rebirth" New army came along and it was time to plague
Prince Henry the Alavigateer: direted Pertugese etbrts to sail into Atlanitc
Christapher Columbus: "found" America, ferced own ship over Natives
Conquistador: Hernan cortes;aztecs Francisco Pizarro found land
Hernan Cortes: conquested Aztecs
Moctezuma: Aztec empor gave corts gold
Columban Exchange:delivers new plants and animal -
Period: Dec 15, 1492 to
The American Colonies Emerge
Presido:spanish millitary settlement
Mestizo: ntiked spanism and name americans population
Northwest Passage: sea rout connescting Northern Atlenic and Pacific oceans
John Smith:adventurec who helped saceed England
House of Burgessess:first legistative in the American Colonies -
Period: to
The Colonies Come of Age
Indetared Servant: people who pay off debtes
Middle Passage:trade in Western Aferican stores
Magna Carta: made by King John of Engbring that protected church at night
English Bill Of Rights: document MAl declared spaiation of power. Freedom of speech
Habeus Corpus:legal action by Whiom detaines can seek relaf for unlawful imprisoment
Salutery Neglect: Britsh policy of avoidany seceret laws ment to keep Americans colonies abedint
Mercantilism:Belif in deretion -
1701-1650 This was intersects movement that emplhastied use at version and scientific method Great Awakening: regal of religious in the American colonies
Cash Crops: grown primarily for the poor families to own use -
Period: to
Shaping a New Nation
Bicameral Legislature: divided into 2 seperate assemblies or houses
Articles Of Confederation: one in which 2 levels of govt are shared fundomentalroufers
Northwest Ordinance: procedure for dividing the land into territories
Shys Rebellion: tramersprotest
Great Compromise: 2 houses congress
The Federalist: advocate of federalism
Popular Sovereignty:basic idea of democercy
Limited Government:system of government bound free market libratonism
Separation of Powers:powers of branches of goverm -
Period: to
Launching the New Nation
Period: to
Balancing Nationalism and Sectionalism-Expanding Markets and Moving West
Period: to
The Union in Peril
Wilmot Proviso: was desigried to eleninote slavery as a resualt of the mexican war
Compromise of 1850: package of 5 seperate bills that diffused the contronation between slave aand the free states
Underground Railraods: network of secret routs used by 19 century enslaved people
Harriet beecher stowe: wrote the famouse book "uncle toms cabin"
Kansas Nebraska Act: This created Kansas and Nebraska allowed white male to settle to dedtermine through popular sover eignty wether to have slaves or no -
Period: to
The Battle of Fort Sumter
-first battle of the civle war
-request for help day of Lincolns inauguration
-North/300 men,limmitted supplies,
-South/unlimited Troops,siege tactics
-4:30am South Opened fire
-america was at war with itself -
Anaconda Plan
-military plan by winfield scott
-cut the south in 2 -
1 and 2 Battle of Bull Run
-July 21
South; won and their Geranl was Joseph E Johnston
-defeated army 36 hours to get back to Washington
-replaced Irvin Mcdowell with George B Mcclellan
-Second Battlr
- August 28-30 1862
-Prince Willam County
-North led by General John Pope -South led by Lee -
-General Robert E Lee and General George Mccleean
-fought first major battle of the Civial War
-Antietam Creek in Sharpsburg Marland
- Mcclellan attacks against Lee
-the bloodiest battle/day
-Lincoln fired Mcclellan -
Battle Of Fredericksburg
-lastes 5 days
-General Ambrose Burnside -
Battle of Chancellorvill
-Nother general suprised attacted the south form the front and back
-Nother/John Hooker
-South Robert E. Lee
-Stonewall Jackson helped Robert E Lee but died from a shot in the arm from there own men
-battle went for 6 days
-boodest battle -end of Aconda plan -
Siege of Vicksburg
-ended July 4th of that year
-union victory
-last battle in the Campaign
-U.S Grant vs.
-Mississppi River to cut the South in half
-2 attemps were made
-part of the amacda plan
-texas and Lousina out of the war -
-the only battle that will take place in the Northers sates
-cant even see the gorund witht the dead bodies -pickests charge/sucsessful -
-North: Willam Sherman idea of total war
-destoryed factories and weakened the the south
South: advatange of being home land
-southeast of Atlanta Georgia
-4 temats and all failed
-the reason Lincoln was reelected
- increased nothern morale -
Shermans March to the sea
-to December 21
-"Savannah Campaign"
-Atlanta to Savannah
-Sheman gave Lincol a "Christmas" presant
-Sherman used psychological tactics to show the reality of the war -
Appomattox Court House
-confederate surrender
-signing of the document took place in Willam house
-700 casualties
-fought in the south
-south surender -aftrmath/the last sizable organized