Luc3ads xvi y marc3ada antonieta

Marie Antoniette and Louis XVI

  • Louis XVI was born

    Louis XVI was born
    He was born on Versalles and he was the fourth son of Maria Josefa of Sajonia and Louis Fernando of France.
  • Marie Antoniette was born

    Marie Antoniette was born
    She was born on viena, and she was the 15th child of Francisco de lorena (better known as Francisco the first) and Maria de Teresa
  • The proposment

    The proposment
    Louis asked Marie antoniette to get married with him when she was only 13 years old, she accepted inmediatly.
  • Wedding

    Louis XVI who was 16 wears old marreid Marie Antoniette who was 14.
    They got married on the Royal Chapel of the Palace of Versailles.
    Their engagement was not made because of love, it was planned to join Austria and France to contrarrest the influence on Britain.
  • King and Queen

    King and Queen
    Louis´s father died because of the black death the 10th of may of 1774, and lots of people of the palace went inmediatly to the room of Marie Antoniette and Louis XVI and called them your magestry.
    They were so scared, because they both were so young to gobernate a hole country.
  • Coronation

    The coronation was carried out on the Reim´s cathedral and the first thing that he did as a king was to fire the most hated ministers and make a medicine university.
  • First child

    First child
    Maria Teresa of France was the first doughter of Marie Antoniette and Louis XVI, and it was at the seventh year of the marriage.
    Everyone was so nervous because the pair had´t consumme the marriage yet, so the little baby was a bendition.
  • Eat cackes instead!

    Eat cackes instead!
    in process of the french revolution this phrase was difunded as words that Marie Antoniette said, but many historiers argue that that words werer never said by her.
  • French revolution

    French revolution
    The French town was very angry and hungry, and they blamed the king and the queen about all, so they started the revollution against them to become a republic.
    (on the image, the French town takeing la bastilla to take weapons to start the revolution)
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Execution of Louis XVI
    WHen the things started to get worse on France the king edcided to run away with their children, but some guards saw them and they took them back to Paris to lock them up.
    Louis recived the comunion and was executed by robespiere on the guillotine.
  • Execution of Marie Antoniette

    Execution of Marie Antoniette
    After the King's death Marie was hopeful baot that her child Louis would gobernate France, but the ones that wanted the republic were much more that the ones who wanted the monarchy.
    She was prissoner, for some time, and the executed acusated of being an enemy of France.
    (on the image, Marie Antoniette on the court)