Week 1
Menstrual period. Talk to your doctor, avoid alcohol, drugs, and tobacco products. Maintain a healthy diet. -
Week 2
Fertilization of your egg by the sperm will only take place near the end of this week. Your uterine lining is developing. -
Week 3
Fertilizated egg goes through a process of cell division. -
Week 4
Your baby consists of two layers of cells.Will evetnually develop into all of your baby's organs and body parts. -
Week 5
The neural tube runs from the top to the bottom of the embryo. A buldge in the center of th eembryo will develop into your baby's heart. -
Week 6
Baby's brain and nervous syste, are devloping at a rapid pace. -
Week 7
The umbilical cord has formed. baby's connection to you throughtout your pregnancy. -
Week 8
Toes and fingers are starting to form this week. Arms can flex at the elbows and wrists. -
Week 9
Baby's head has began to grow. Much laarger than the rest of its body. -
Week 10
Baby's vital organd have been formed and are starting to work together. -
Week 11
Increasing in size. Facial developments continue to position. -
Week 12
Brain continues to develop. Tiny fingernails and toenails start to form. -
Week 13
Placenta has developed and is providing your baby with oxygen, nutrients, and waste disposal. -
Week 14
Fine hair have developed. Baby's genitals have fully developed, though they may still be difficult to detect on an ultrasound examination. -
Week 15
Baby's skin has been continuously developing,and it is so think and translucent that you can see the blood vessels through it. -
Week 16
Baby is still growing. Your baby can hold his or her head erect, and the development of facial muscles allows for a variety of expressions, such as squinting and frowning. -
Week 17
The placenta is growing to accomodate your baby. -
Week 18
Your baby will probably be able to hear! Still growing and developing. -
Week 19
Baby is now covered with a white, waxy substance, which helps prevent skin crom being scratched. -
Week 20
Half way there!!! Baby has grown. Also taking up increasing room in your uterus. -
Week 21
The intestines have developed enough that small amounts of sugars can be absorbed from the fluid that is swallowed and passed through the digestive system. -
Week 22
Tasts buds have started to form on the tongue, and the braind and nerve endings are formed enough so that the fetus can feel touch. -
Week 23
Baby weighs even more. You may feel more forceful movements. -
Week 24
Baby's lungs are developing the ability to produce. -
Week 25
You'll notice fetal activity more. Your baby's hearing has continued to develop, too he or she may now be able to hear your voice. -
Week 26
Eyelashes are growing in, as is more hair on the head. Baby is now weighing less than 2 pounds. -
Week 27
The baby looks similar to what he or she will look like at birth, except thinner and smaller. -
Week 28
Baby now weighs about 2 pounds. May be told by a doctor if your baby is headfirstor feet-or bottom-first position. -
Week 29
Baby continues to be active. Baby should move at least 10 times in two hours. If your baby moves less, talk to your health care provider. -
Week 30
Baby now weighs about 3 pounds and measuring about 10.8 inches. -
Week 31
Baby is urinating approximately several cups of urine a day into the amniotic fluid. -
Week 32
Eyelashes, eyebrows, and the hair on your baby's head. Baby now weighs about 4 pounds. -
Week 33
Your baby eye's can detect light and can listen , feel and even see somewhat. -
Week 34
Baby will draw calcium from the mother to make and harden bones. -
Week 35
Baby weighs about 5 pounds. Baby is now cramped and restricted inside the uterus. Fetal movement may decrease. -
Week 36
Baby now weighs under 6 pounds. -
Week 37
Baby has developed enough to grasp with the fingers. Continues to gain weight developing fat. -
Week 38
Fat is accumulating, although growth is slower now. -
Week 39
Baby has been supplied with antibodies throught the placenta that will help the baby's immune system fight infection for the first 6-12 months of life. -
Week 40
Baby is here! Weighs on average 7 pounds. Baby's skin may be covered with vernix and blood. But hey!...your DONE!