Mapping American Expansion

  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    *Date- 1783
    *President- No President
    *Othert Nations Involved- Britain
    *Event Description- The Treaty of Paris was signed which
    ended the American Revolution. America then formed
    there 13 colonies boundaring British colonies.
    *Territory that was gained- The land that the Americans had stretched from all the way north by Canada all the way down south to georgia.
    *Indian effect- the Indians got frustrated and joined Britain against the U.S and got weapons from them
  • The Luisiana Purchase

    The Luisiana Purchase
    *Date- 1803
    *President- Thomas Jefferson
    *Other Nations Involved- France
    *Event Description- In the Luisiana Purchase France claimed the territory of Luisiana of 828.000 sqaure miles and the U.S paid all in all 15 million dollars
    *Territory that was gained- First off, the U.S doubled it's land by going through with this purchase. The land stretched from current day North Dakota, all the way to Oklahoma.
    *Indian effect- Made the Choctaw and Cadd groups move farther west
  • Lewis, Clark, and Sacajawea Expedition

    Lewis, Clark, and Sacajawea Expedition
    *Date- 1804-1806
    *President- Thomas Jefferson
    * Other Nations Involved- None
    *Event Decription- During this expedition, Sacajawea was pregnant with her first kid. She went on the expedition with Lewis and Clark
    *Territory that was gained- The same territory that was gained in the Lousiana Purchase. Basically to establish an American presece and to explore and map the new territory.
    *Indian effect- The Indiands were removed from the newly found land by the Indian Removal Act.
  • Adams-Onis Treaty

    Adams-Onis Treaty
    *Date- 1819
    *President- James Monroe
    *Other Nations Involved- Spain
    *Event Description- It was a treaty between the U.S and Spain that gave Florida to the U.S
    *Territory that was gained- The U.S gained control of Florida and the Pacific Northwest.
    *Indian effect- Seminole indians lie dead in Florida after they got killed by an order from Andrew Jackson in order to gain the territory from the Spaniards
  • Santa Fe Trail

    Santa Fe Trail
    *Date- 1821
    *President- James Monroe
    *Other Nations Involved- New Mexico
    *Event Description- It was a transportation route through central North America that connected Franklin, Missouri with Santa Fe, New Mexico
    *Territory that was gained- 1,200 miles of land from Franklin Missouri to Santa Fe, Mexico.
    *Indian effect- The indians got aggravated but did not attack the U.S
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    *Date- 1830
    *President- Andrew Jackson
    *Other Nations Involved- none
    *Event Description- This Act was signed by Andrew Jackson to negotiate with the Native Americans for removal of federal territory west of Mississippi River in exchange for homeland.
    *Territorty that was gained- No new territory was gained, it was put in order to kick out all Indians that were still on U.S soil.
    *Indian effect- The Law hurt the Indians, they had a few choices of where to go and most of them died on there journey
  • Oregon Trail

    Oregon Trail
    *Date- 1836
    *President- Andrew Jackson
    *Other Nations Involved- none
    *Event Description- An emigrant trail that connected the Missouri River with the Oregon valleys. A 2,000 mile route.
    *Territory that was gained- From currnent day Missouri and the land extended all the way to Oregon.
    *Indian effect- Indians trading things with the Americans, especially food. (tried avoiding violence)
  • Annexation of Texas

    Annexation of Texas
    *Date- 1845
    *President- James K. Polk
    *Other Nations Involved- Mexico
    *Event Descrption- The U.S annexed texas and admitted it to the Union as the 28th state.
    *Territory that was gaianed- 98,300 square miles of land that included the whole state of Texas.
    *Indian effect- They got mad and wanted to attack the settlers
  • Oregon Treaty following "54 40' or Fight!" campaign

    Oregon Treaty following "54 40' or Fight!" campaign
    *Date- 1846
    *President- James K. Polk
    *Other Nations Involved- United Kingdom
    *Event Description- A treaty between Untied Kingdom and the U.S and ended the oregan boundary dispute
    *Territory that was gained- The state of Oregon 98,466 sqaure miles
    *Indian effect- Were not so happy about the campaign taking place
  • Mexican-American War

    Mexican-American War
    *Date- 1846-1848
    *President- James K. Polk
    *Other Nations Involved- Mexico
    *Event Description- A war between Mexico and America. During this war America invaded many parts of Mexico
    *Territory that was gained- The U.S won the war and as result gained the whole state of current day California, Nevada, Utah, and parts of New Mexico and Arizona
    *Indian effect- Groups of Indians (Comanche, Apache, Navajo) raided Northern Mexico which helped Americans a lot in winning the war with Mexico.
  • Mormon Trek

    Mormon Trek
    *Date- 1846-1847
    *President- James K. Polk
    *Other Nations Involved- none
    *Event Description- Members from the Church of Jesus Christ of Letter-day Saints traveled. This trail expanded 1,300 miles
    *Territory that was gained- No new territory was gained from this event
    *Indian effect- Did not really bother the Indians.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    *Date- 1849
    *President- James K. Polk
    *Other Nations Involved- none
    *Event Description- People rushed to California because they were told they would start a better life with opportunity.
    *Territory that was gained- No new territory was gained from this event.
    *Indian effect- they were used to mine the gold out for the Americans.
  • Gadsden Purchase

    Gadsden Purchase
    *Date- 1853
    *President- Millard Fillmore
    *Other Nations Involved- Mexico
    *Event Description- An agreement between the U.S and Mexico that lead to America expanding there nation.
    *Territory that was gained- Southern Arizona and Southern New Mexico. The U.S paid Mexico $10 million for the new land which was 29,670 square miles.
    *Indian effect- A group called Apache Indians were a threat to the Americans, while raiding settlers.
  • The Sand Creek Masacre

    The Sand Creek Masacre
    *Date- 1864
    *President- Abraham Lincoln
    *Other Nations Involved- none
    *Event Description- 700 Colorado men attacked a Native American village. These men killed about 100 Indians men and women
    *Territory that was gained- No new territory was gained from this event.
    *Indian effect- Many Indians were killed from this in Sand Creek, Colorado.
  • Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad

    Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad
    *Date- 1869
    *President- Andrew Johnson
    *Other Nations Involved- Mexico
    *Event Description- A railroad that was completed that would be able to go all over North America
    *Territory that was gained- No new territory was gained as a result from this event taking place.
    *Indian effect- Indians were very unhappy. This is because Americans came into Indian territory once again in order to complete this project.
  • The Battle of Little Bighorn

    The Battle of Little Bighorn
    *Date- 1876
    *President- Ullyses S. Grant
    *Other Nations Involved- none
    *Event Description- war between Americans and two indian tribes. (Lakota, Northern Chayenne, and Arapaho)
    *Territory that was gained- The Indians gained control of eastern Montana.
    *Indian effect- Indians were very happy as they achieved there goal to defeat the Americans.
    *Indian effect-
  • Dawes Act

    Dawes Act
    *Date- 1887
    *President- Grover Cleveland
    *Other Nations Involved- none
    *Event Description- The U.S is granted freedom to survey American Indian tribal groups by the president
    *Territory that was gained- U.S took over a lot of land from the Indians and sold it out
    *Indian effect- Indians got mad and wanted to seek revenge, but they couldn't form a good army to defeat the Americans
  • The Massacre at Wounded Knee

    The Massacre at  Wounded Knee
    *Date- 1890
    *President- William McKinlley
    *Other Nations Involved- none
    *Event Description- The U.S government seized Lakota's land
    *Territory that was gained- The U.S gained control of Indian land.
    *Indian effect- many Indians were killed from this event