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Communitary educational practice.

  • Mapping.

    The first day recolecting information to do our practice was at Nacional La Guardia school. Everyone there was so polite and they received us with open arms. We had to write down in our papers all the information we needed about how many teachers there are. At the end of the activity the principal told us that we were very welcome if we wanted to do our prectices there.
  • Letter delivering.

    Letter delivering.
    We went to Elena Vaca Antelo school located in El Torno. This day we had to present a letter that was allowing us to do our practices there. The principal talked with us in his office and he said that we were welcomed as long as we were on time everyday. He also talked about how many studends the school has and he gave us a little bit of information about how they do their job. Everyone there was very kind.
  • 1st day recollecting information.

    1st day recollecting information.
    This day we went to Elena Vaca Antelo school and we socialized with all the teachers and the principal about our practices. They all went to the Principal's office and we started to talk about what we were going to do for two weeks. Also, we searched for information about their PSP, PAB and PDC. Fortunately every person there was very polite so everything we needed they were very glad to help us.
  • 2nd day recollecting information.

    2nd day recollecting information.
    The second day at school we did our interviews to the principal, the English teacher, the students and also the parents. The principal was very happy to have us so he decided to answer every question peacefully but above all he cared about every single detail about all their activities related to the PSP. The English teacher told us about how does she give her class and all the materials she uses.
  • Student's interview.

    Student's interview.
    We did the interview with some students from 5th grade. They were very well-behaved. They told us about their PSP and how do they work on it. They told us about how their English classes are and how do they can understand better. They told us that they would like to watch movies in English with subtitiles so they can try to get involved with the language a little bit more.
  • Guide teacher's interview.

    Guide teacher's interview.
    We talked with her about how does she do her PDC and PAB. Also, she told us that she likes to work on her own material to teach English. She likes to create flashcards, albums and flipcharts. Then, she talked about how does she work with her students and told us that she usually gives them as homework create materials to learn English a little bit more.
  • 3rd day recollecting information.

    3rd day recollecting information.
    This day we went to the teacher's classroom. She had classes with 5th grade and we were with her because we needed to see how does she give classes. We could see that she uses a lot of material when she is explaining and students know vocabulary very well because she is always repeating a bunch of these. Sadly, students forget what they learn and that is why they do not understand how to write simple sentences. They understand English a little bit but they don't want to practice it.
  • Educational practice.

    Educational practice.
    The first day developing our PDCs was productive. The firs class was Naomi's with 4th grade and she did a very great job. The teacher was really impressed by her activities and also the students understood the lesson very well. She explained about "Adjectives" and it was pretty awesome. The teacher congratulated her because of her nice class at the end of it.
  • Educational practice.

    Educational practice.
    This day was the turn of Johana's PDC and she did a very great job too. Students were interested about the lesson even if it was a pretty difficult one. It was "Present Perfect" so she wrote some examples on the board while she was explaining the grammar structure and students were understanding a little bit. At the end of the class Johana gave them a worksheet and they resolved it very fast. Surprisingly, everyone was happy because they achieved to understand very well.
  • Educational practice.

    Educational practice.
    It was my turn to develop my PDC and the lesson was "Be going to" with students of 5th grade. They were very participating so it made the whole class very interesting. To practice I asked them "What are you going to do this weekend?" so they can think about their answers using the be going to part. I also gave them a flashcard one by one with actions so they can recognize them and create a sentence with the verb including present continuous.
  • Educational practice.

    Educational practice.
    This day there were no classes because students had to go to an activity organized by the police. They were going to have a workshop so we decided to work in our investigation about the problems that the school has. We talked about our proposals and at the end we chose one.
  • Educational practice.

    Educational practice.
    Johana explained about "Present perfect continuous." to 6th grade in her second PDC. She gave the students some examples on the board first and then she projected a video to reforce their learning process. At the end of the class the students were practicing their English while they were on recess. It was very productive because they understood and also they practiced it.
  • Educational practice.

    Educational practice.
    This day we just colaborated with the teacher and the self appraisal. We also checked some things that want us to correct in English and we participated with the students and their process of learning a new languague. Our guide teacher told us that we were doing good till that time.
  • Communitary educational practice.

    Communitary educational practice.
    We chose 6th grade to develop our communitary PDC. The lesson was "Wish" and the teacher told us that we did a good job. We started the practice with a game called "Simon says." and students were very motivated because they had to find all the things Simon was asking for all around the classroom. Then, we explained about the grammar structure on the board so they could understand how they can write their own wishlist on their notebooks.
  • Educational practice.

    Educational practice.
    This time I gave a class about "First conditional." to 5th grade. I started the class with a question "What will you do if you win the lottery?" so the students were answering very interestig questions. Then, I explained about the grammar structure and fifteen minutes before the class ends I gave them a worksheet to know if they understood or not. They did a great job even though they didn't have enough time.
  • Educational practice.

    Educational practice.
    This time was Naomi's turn again and she prepared a very nice class. She wrote some adjectives on the board and then, she explained to the students just a little bit so they could understand what they were going to talk about later. She showed them some flashcards and students started to think about how to create their own sentence very easily. They wrote down on their notebooks four sentences and they did it very well.