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By derbyg
  • 1300

    Maori Arrived From Polynesia

    Maori Arrived In NZ
  • James Cook

    James Cook Arrives in NZ
  • Maori Taught In Schools

    Maori is encouraged in schools
  • Treaty Of Waitangi

    The Treaty Of Waitangi was signed
  • Abel Tasman Arrives

    First European
  • NZ Wars

  • Teachers Stop Teaching Maori

    It was required for teachers to stop teaching Maori..
  • Pakeha Population

    Pakeha Population higher than Maori
  • Period: to

    The First Native Schools Act

    The government made a rule that Maori children were not allowed to speak their language in school. But teachers decided it would be best to beat them if they spoke Maori. This lasted for only seven years, as schools closed down in 1965.
  • Maori Donates Land

    Maori had to donate land to make schools
  • Period: to

    The Second Native Schools Act

    The Second Native Schools Act was a like the first, except it lasted for 120 years. This pulled the Maori children's language away from them, and only 26% of Maori spoke Te Reo as their first language.
  • Maori Population At It's Lowest

    Maori Population at it's lowest
  • Dame Whina Cooper

    The Land March
  • Te Reo Maori Becomes An Official Language For NZ

  • Stopped Punishments

    Teachers can't hurt students
  • Period: to

    Percentages In NZ

    92% of people speak English
    4% of people speak Te Reo
  • Maori TV Channel

    The Maori TV Channel started
  • Government

    The government launch initiative to improve Te Reo Maori in schools
  • 1,208 Schools

    Last year, studies found that 1,208 schools offered Maori language in English medium. An increase of 62 schools since 1st July 2020.