
  • Henry Ford’s Assembly line

    Henry Ford’s Assembly line
    Henry ford installs his famous assembly line that mass produced vehicles. This made vehicles affordable for the average American. The assembly line also employed thousands of Americans
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    WWI began when Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serbian gunman. The Archdukes death resulted in a four year world wide conflict, with the allied force being victorious and the losers being the central powers. The war left many countries in financial ruin especially Germany.
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    The Great Depression

    The Great Depression was caused by a stock market crash. It lead to massive unemployment, homelessness, and suffering. Many people lived off of government assistance at the end.
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    WWII began when Germany and the USSR invalided Poland. This caused France and Great Britain to declare war on Germany. Germany later invaded France and pushed the allies out, they then invaded the USSR. Then Japan on the of the axis forces bombed Pearl Harbor which was a major US naval base in Hawaii, this prompted the US to join the war. The allied forces then invaded Northern Africa, Italy, France then Germany and after dropping two atomic bombs on Japan, the allies had won the war.
  • GE Turbo Jet Engine

    GE Turbo Jet Engine
    GE engineers build Two Turbo Jet engines used to power a aircraft for the first time in history. This event launched the world into the Jet age. Jet engines would be mass produced on a grand level. Jet Powered Aircraft are used two transport goods and people across the world in a reasonable time. The jet engines were first used for military aircraft in WWII before it became for commercial use.
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    The Cold War

    The Cold War saw the most technological advancements since the beginning of the 1900’s. The Cold War was ideological war between the western countries and eastern or communist countries.
  • The Founding of ISO

    The Founding of ISO
    The ISO created the international standards for business and technology . The ISO main goal was to ensure goods that are produced are good quality and safe for use. The headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland. 25 countries meet in London, U.K to create ISO.
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    Korean War

    The Korean War started out between North and South Korea. The war started to escalate when North Korea drove South Korea to the very tip of the Korean Peninsula. The U.S send troops to Korea to stop the total takeover of Korea. South Korea with U.S support pushed North Korea to the Chinese border. Chinese troops crossed the border and pushed the allied coalition back to the original border. The Korean War ended in a stalemate
  • First CAD Software Created

    The first CAD software created
  • The first industrial robot

    The first industrial robot
    The first industrial robot marked the age of robotic manufacturing. The first industrial robot was created by George Devol and it was called the Unimate. The first company to use was General Motors for auto-motives.
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    Vietnam war

    The Vietnam War was the most controversial war in the U.S. The U.S sent troops to Vietnam to stop a communist revolution from taking over the country. This conflict was the longest conflict in U.S history.
  • The Invention of “Chips”

    The Invention of “Chips”
    The invention of integrated circuits was the one biggest things to happen in automotive manufacturing.the first integrated circuit was created by Robert Noyce. The integrated circuits made manufacturing vehicles and other technology cheaper which caused prices drop and manufacturing easier. Before the integrated circuits, electronics needed complex wiring which took up a lot of room and made electronic manufacturing complicated and expensive.
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    Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuba secretly received nuclear weapons from Russia. The U.S and Russia secretly worked out a agreement to end the crisis.
  • Smart cameras are invented

    Smart cameras are invented
    Smart cameras were invented by General Electrics. Smart cameras are used to guide industrial robots and detect mistakes and flaws in products. without smart cameras, automated robotics wouldn’t be possible and products would have more flaws.
  • The First PC Is Introduced

    The First PC Is Introduced
    The first PC was used.
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    The Gulf War

    U.S and The U.N coalition invades Iraq in response of the invasion of Kuwait.
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    Invasion of Afghanistan

    U.S invades Afghanistan in response of 9/11. The main objective was to kill Osama bin Ladin and remove the Taliban from power
  • U.S. Manufacturing Enterprise Integration Act of 2002

    The US Manufacturing Enterprise Integration Act of 2002
  • The First IPhone Is Released

    The First IPhone Is Released
    The iPhone is the first smartphone designed and marketed by Apple Inc. After years of rumors and speculation, it was officially announced in January 2007, and was released in the United States in June. Development of the iPhone as a product began in 2005 and continued in complete secrecy until its public unveiling.
  • 3D Printing

    3D Printing
    The first documented iterations of 3D printing can be traced back to the early 1980s in Japan. In 1981, Hideo Kodama was trying to find a way to develop a rapid prototyping system.