Manon’s education timeline

  • Third grade

    In third grade, it was online classe for half the year. I was in CIS online was by my mom's friends's laptop. I likes it at the beginning, but it fast
    became anoying. The teacher was miss Katie, she was so kind I did not talk a lot
    of english on that time. We hade 2 fishes in the room. We could give them to eat
    every day befor class. I was with, Thea and some other kids.
  • Fourth grade

    For half fourth grade, I stay in India with miss Superna, or whatever. It was online classe all year but the other half, we went back to France because of covide and online class. In France, it was offline, and I know pretty much everybody from last last year. There was some new guy I did not know but idc.
  • My friends

    My friends
    Befor India the first time, I hade a lots of friends. When I came back to France for vacation ,it was same. But when we went back to Indi, back to France, nothing was same. Some of them forgot about me, or just did not care I came back. But I still had 2. Philo and Emili. Philo was my bestie and Emili, I am not going to lie, but I thought we were not friends. I spend every day with Philo or Emilli. I know that we will go to the same middle school,and I don’t want to lost her too!
  • Rock climbing

    I also did rock climbing 🧗‍♀️ as after school activité, on Wednesday,( we never have school on the day). I also likes it and I hade the one good friend I needed. She wasen’t good at climing, lr she did not like it, but I convised her to stay. Our teacher was funny, kinad like mr Kooper making fun of us. We had special day where we jump of a wall whil being attached to a dope moving up and down, left and right.
  • The field trip

    The field trip
    Once in grade 5, in France, my teacher decided to do a field trip with my class. I was lasting a day out near the sea. It was a boating say, we basic l’y had a boating session very Tuesday, and this day, we went on a trip. We all packed our lunch and swiming costume. I partnered up with Emilly instead of Philo because she had a fight with somebody and bla bla bla…. It was a lot of fun!
  • Fifth grade

    It was is France too, and by that time, I knew everybody, and speak Ed English better than anyone. Our teacher was the principal of the school, as I said. I think this is the year I hade more fun. I had less friend, but good one!
  • Horsriding

    In france, I practice horceriding as after school activites, on Satuday. I loved it and hade also friends. There was levels and I was in level 1, my sis in level 2. There was some horse like Solem or another black hors That I loved. After class, whil waiting for my sis to finish her’s, me and thos how stayed back help our favorit teacher with 3 to 4 year old classes. I love also holding horse for other that wher strugeling.
  • My piano

    My piano
    back in India, my sis stared guitar, so I wanted piano. I saw this dumb add of piano, installed it and enjoyed. I wanted a real piano so my parent got one for me. It for fun, and nice. I got lessons and homework (sadly). I stared with both hands and it was trick but became easyer and easyer.