Treaty Of Paris
The Treaty of Paris, signed in 1783, ended the American Revolution and gave America its independence. This nullified the Proclamation of 1763 and allowed colonists to move westward. -
Industrial Revolution
This Revolution lasted between 1800-1844. It was a time when major economic changes brought new machines, factories, and the expansion of slavery to the United States. It improved transportation, communication, and farming in the U.S, also. -
Louisiana Purchase
Thomas Jeffeson purchased approximately 828 million miles of land from France. This doubled the size of the country, allowing further westward expansion. -
Lewis & Clark Expedition
Lewis and Clark went out to find a water route linking the Columbia and Missouri rivers. This water link would connect the Pacific Ocean. They were sent on this expedition by Thomas Jefferson in hope to find ways to access new ports. -
Convention of 1818
Convention was signed by the United States and Britain which established part of the present-day border between the United States and Canada. They agreed that the border would be set at the 49th parallel. -
Adams-Onis Teaty
The Adams-Onis Treaty with Spain, signed in Washington, allowed the American purchase of Florida. However, the U.S. gave up all claims to Texas. -
Missouri Compromise
This was an agreement between the pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions in the United States Congress concerning the regulations of slavery in the western territiories.The territory was divided north of 36°30′ latitude which had been established by the Missouri Compromise. -
Indian Removal Act
The Indidan Removal Act of 1830 forced the natives in the area to move further west. This allowed Ameicans to take over more western territory. -
Texas Gains Independence
At the battle of San Jacinto, Sam Houston and troops defeated the Mexican President, Sana Anna. After the victory, Texas gained its independence and became its own Republic. -
Webster-Ashburton Treaty
The Webster-Ashburton Treaty resolved these frictions in Anglo-American relations. It also, settled territorial border between Maine and Canadian provinces. -
54-40 or Fight
Democratic presidential candidate James K. Polk ran on a platform of taking control over the entire Oregon Territory, Polk's plan was to claim and go to war over the entire territory for the United States. -
Texas' Annexation
In 1845, The Lone Star Republic asked to become a part of the United States. The USA agreed to annex immediately after Texas' annexation, America went to war with Mexico. -
Mexican-American War
On this date, American declared war on Mexico. After claiming victory over Mexico, America purchased 525,000 miles of land for $15 million. -
Gold is Found in California
An American finds gold at the base of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. This causes a gold rush, bringing tens of thousands of new settlers to California. The also established town, cities, and even began accelerating the drive toward statehood. -
Gadsden Purchase
The Gadsden Purchase was an agreement beween the U.S. and Mexican in which the U.S. agreed to pay Mexico $10 million for a 29,670 square mile portion of Mexico. This later became part of Arizona and New Mexico. It provided the land necessary fo a southern tanscontinental railroad and attempted to resolve conflicts that lingered after the Mexican- American War.