Original 13 colonies
The original 13 colineies won thier independence by wining the revolutionary war. Witch is how the is how the united states got the land. -
Northwest Teritory
This teritory was won by winning the revolutionary war.This teritory was eventaly split into five different states,illinois,indiana,michigon,ohio,and wisconson. -
Louisana Purchase
Thomas jefferson purchased this land from the french for about 15 million.It nearly dubbled the size of the us. -
adams-Onis Treaty
We gained this land by establishing a treaty with spain but at the costt of giving away texas to spain.Thier was trubble with seminole indians raiding camps and helping run away slaves.Monroe sent jackson to control flordia,s border but jackson invaded flordia witch was a unconstitutional act. -
manifest destiny
The rite to exspand westward by natural right.
1845 was the first time the word manafest destiny was used by john o sullivan. -
Texas Annexation
Texas won the texas revolutoinary war.We did not want texas at first because we did not want break the balance of slave staes to free states. -
Oegon Territory
We gained this land by makeing a treaty with Britain.We were trying to avoid another war with Britain -
Mexican Cesion
The Treaty of Guadaupe Hidalgo ended the mexican american war and gave use rites to a big chunck of land called the mexican cession. -
Gadsden Purchase
The united states paid about 10 million for this land.We simply took a deal to stay out of war