Manifest Destiny

  • Robert Gray

    Robert Gray
    Sea Captain, Robert Grey reached the mouth of the Columbia River. This helped the Americans base their claims on the Pacific Northwest.
    The Americans based their claim on Oregon Country using Captain Robert Gray's success in reaching the mouth of The Columbia River in 1792.
  • American fur company

    American fur company
    John Jacob Astor opened one of the largest fur bussinesses in America. The American Fur Trade Company bought fur from mountain men who were trappers and fur traders.
    Astor's fur trading buisness was so successful that he opened The American Fur Trade Company in the western states.
  • Mexican Revolution Begins!

    Mexican Revolution Begins!
    Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla led a rebellion of 80,000 Indians and Mestizos to fight the Spanish monarchy.
    Date not specified
    Father Costilla was the inspiration of the Mexican Independence, his rebellion failed, but it motivated the Mexicans to fight the Spanish Monarchy.
  • Astoria

    German-American bussines man founded fur trading post, Astoria on the mouth of the Columbia River.
    Date not speciifed
    Astoria became a city just like San Fransico gold rush because of buisness.
  • Russia and Spain Gives Up Oregon Country

    Russia and Spain Gives Up Oregon Country
    Russia and Spain agreed to let go of their claims in the Oregon Country. On the contrary, Britain and America conquered the land.
    Date not specified
    Russia and Spain left their claims because they probably were worried about a potential war between America, and Great Britain.
  • Period: to


    In the 1820's the Californios outnumber the anglo settlers. The Californios had 3,200 in numbers and most worked on farms, called Vaqueros. Despite the handful of anglos they still demanded for Independence and made the relation between America and Mexico sour.
    Date not specified
  • Mexico Gains Independence

    Mexico Gains Independence
    Mexico gains its independence from Spain.
    Date not specified
    Inspired and fueled by Father Costilla's rrebellion Mexico are not free from Spanish rule, but their troubles are not over.
  • Stephen F. Austin

    Stephen F. Austin
    Austin was an empresario hired by the Mexicans to lure in settlers to Mexican land. He started a colony in lower Colorado that became known as the "Old Three Hundred".
    *Date not specified
    Austin was a successful empressario and made the Mexican government proud, howvever I am sure that he is also responsible in luring "Filobusters" to Texas that triggerd the Texas War for Independence.
  • Mexican Constitution

    Mexican Constitution
    Mexico adopts a republican constitution that promised all Mexican citizens rights and freedom.
    Date not specified
    The Mexican Constitiution replaced the Spanish Monarchy, and it was similar to the American Consititution. The Americans inspired the Mexicans to form their own constitution.
  • Mormon Church

    Mormon Church
    Joseph Smith founded the Mormon church.
    Date not specified
    The church was formed shortly after Smith found a golden tablet from god telling him to start the religion of Mormonism. It was a Christian sect formed in the early 1800s.
  • Mexico Bans Americans

    Mexico Bans Americans
    American settlers disregarded Mexican laws and that officials feared that they might lose control in Texas. As a result, it banned further settlement of Americans in Texas. This new law angered the Americans, now they thirst for a revolt.
    Date not specified
    The reason why the Mexicans banned further settlements of Americans is because they bought their slaves to Mexico which was forbidden. Their actions were provacative and tempted the Mexican officials.
  • Mormon Expansion

    Mormon Expansion
    Smith's followers left New York and formed religious communities in Ohio, Mississppi, and Ilinois. All communities failed.
    Date not specified
    The Mormons started communities outside of New York to spread the religion. It failed because of the people who persecuted the Mormons out of the area.
  • Mexico and The Mission System

    Mexico and The Mission System
    The Mexican government ended the the mission system
    Date not specified
    The Mexicans abolished the mission system because they thought it was unfair and the priests were basically abducting whoever enters the mission. With more and more settlers in Mexican land they needed more land for profit instead of Spanish missions.
  • Gonzales

    The Mexican army tried to remove a cannon in the town off Gonzales. The Texans refused and a skirmish erupted that eventually led to the Texas War for Independece.
    Date not specified
    The Texans and Tejanos of do not want to be bullied and taken advantage of the Mexican army, so they raised the flag "Come and Take It", to make a statement that they do not play. Coincindentally, the skimirish in Gonzales sparked the Texas War of Independence.
  • Americans Take Alamo

    Americans Take Alamo
    William Travis, Jim Bowie, and Davy Crockett take the Alamo because the mission served as a strategic location against the Mexicans.
    The Alamo was the Texans base for two weeks. They were probably waiting for Houston's men, but Santa Anna attacked them first.
  • Period: to

    Texans Hold Out Alamo

    The Texans lasted about two weeks in the Alamo, while the Mexican army assembled.
  • Texas Declares Independence

    Texas Declares Independence
    The Republic of Texas broke off Mexico and formed their own country. David Burnett was President and Lorenzo de Zavala was vice president. Sam Houston led the Texan army.
    Texas wanted to be independent because they did not like the government's rules against them. Another factor is that Santa Anna practiced centralism while most Texans favored federalism. Hypothetically, maybe it is just the manifest destiny syndrome.
  • Fall of The Alamo and Goliad

    Fall of The Alamo and Goliad
    The Mexican army eliminated the defenders in The Alamo, and the army marched to the town of Goliad to execute 350 prisoners.
    The Fall of the Alamo and Sack of Goliad inspired the Texans to fight even harder against Santa Anna's troops. Santa Anna was very furious towards the rebellion, so he committed such horrific actions.
  • Battle of San Jacinto

    Battle of San Jacinto
    After persuing Houston's men, Santa Anna carelessly camped in a vulnerable spot. As a result, Houston charged the camp site defeating the Mexican army. Santa Anna was forced to sign a treaty giving Texas its independece.
    During the Battle of San Jacinto the charging Texans yelled, "Remember The Alamo!, Remember Goliad!" They eventually won and captured Santa Anna who disregarded Texas for his own life. Maybe, Santa Anna did not care about Mexico after all.
  • Bear Flag Revolt

    Bear Flag Revolt
    Anglo settlers in California seize city of Sonoma to start the Bear Flag Revolt.
    The Bear Flag Revolt used the bear as a symbol to probably represent a strong mighty rebellion. Sadly, the opposing Mexican Militia just laughed hysterically for the bear looked like a pig.
  • Texas Rangers

    Texas Rangers
    Texas forms the Texas Rangers to guard its vast border.
    Date not specified
    The job of the Rangers was to protect the Texas border from Mexican and Indian insurgents. They were basically the law enforcement of Texas at the time. The rangers were strong and fierce which is strongly represented in American pop culture
  • John O' Sullivan and The Manifest Destiny

    John O' Sullivan and The Manifest Destiny
    Writer John O' Sullivan wrote, "We are the nation of human progress, and who will, what can, set limits to our onward march?" He inspired the Americans about the manifest destiny.
    Date not specified
    This painting shows that the Americans are bring light to a dark world as they move forward. This is an example of arrogance because the Indians are not dark people, but they are actually kind and light-hearted individuals.
  • John Sutter's Colony

    John Sutter's Colony
    John Sutter had permission to start a colony.
    Date not specified
    John Sutter was the very first anglo to start a settlement on Mexican land under the apporoval of the Mexican Government. I have a feeling that they made a deal that Sutter would pay the Government every month in exchange for land.
  • End of an Era

    End of an Era
    The era of fur trading in the Pacific Northwest was drawing to a close. The change of trend caused beaver furs used for the "high hat" to be less demanding. However, Easterners flocked to Oregon Country persuaded by the U.S government.
    Date not specified
    The Era ended because the high hats were old style. In order not to lose Oregon Country the government really persuaded to move in the replace the leaving traders.
  • Booming economy

    Booming economy
    America's booming economy with population that demanded more room. The Americans looked at the West as land ready to be conquered.
    Date not specified
    The easterners were eager to move west because there was fresh air rather than the east that have lots of pollution due to the industries. However, the exact samet hing happened to the west when factories were built.
  • Peace Treaty of Texas and Mexico

    Peace Treaty of Texas and Mexico
    A peace treaty was signed between Mexico and Texas.
    Date not specified
    The treaty officially ended the war between the two nations. However, there thoughts of one another are still in their minds.
  • A New President

    A New President
    Tennesee governor, James K. Polk went up against Henry Clay of Kentucky for the presidential election. Both were expansionists candidates, but Polk was superior.
    Date not specified
    Polk was an expansionist president who had the ambition to obtain Texas and Oregon for the United States. Polk contributed a lot to the manifest destiny of America.
  • Polk Sends Zachary Taylor

    Polk Sends Zachary Taylor
    President Polk ordered General Zachary Taylor to lead army to disputed region. He also sent John Slidell, a diplomat, to offer Mexico $30 million to buy New Mexico and California.
    Date not specified
    Taylor is sent to the disputed region when clearly it is the Americans brewing trouble. Polk was determined to go to war with Mexico in the name of expansion.
  • John O' Sullivan and Term

    John O' Sullivan and Term
    In 1845 Mr. Sullivan thought that it was America's "manifest destiny to overspread and to possess the whole continent which providence [God} has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty."
    Date not specified
    This quote is serves as inspiration to the American people to move westward and liberate the lands with their cultures and ideas. On the other hand, it is also a quote of arrogance because god himself commanded the Americans to expand coast to coast.
  • Texas Annexation

    Texas Annexation
    American congress approved of Texas annexation and needed only the support of the Republic of Texas.
    Date not specified
    Texas is joining the states to gain more profit and land. This was all part of the grand scheme of expansion.
  • Texan Congress Approves of Annexation

    Texan Congress Approves of Annexation
    The Texan congress happily accepted the annexation of Texas for the United States. December of that same year Texas becomes part of America.
    Date not specified
    America continues to expand with Texas as part of the Union. It is technically stolen because it was Mexico' s land, respectively.
  • GB and US Treaty of The 40th Parallel

    GB and US Treaty of The 40th Parallel
    GB and US signed a treaty that gave United States all Oregon land south of the 40th parallel.
    Date not specified
    The U.S persuaded the "Brits" in giving lands south of the 40th parallel by shouting "Fifty-four or Fight". Again the war-mongering Americans got their land by threating England to go to war.
  • Donner Party

    Donner Party
    In the early spring the party left from the east to travel to California and Sierra Nevada. Unfortunately, they got lost and was stranded.
    Date not specified
    The Donner Party is a true story about a group of easterners traveling west, but they got lost on the Sierras. Most of the members transformed into cannibals to survive.
  • Taylor Enters RIo Grande

    Taylor Enters RIo Grande
    Zachary Taylor led troops to Rio Grande.
    Date not specified
    Taylor purposely crossed the border to escalate a scenario that will increase tension between Mexico and America. The were in a false flag operation, "to protect the border" , in reality they wanted war.
  • Both Sides Clash

    Both Sides Clash
    The Mexican and American army had a skimirish in the Rio Grande border, it started the Mexican-American War.
    Date not specified
    It was the American's fault that their own blood had been spilt on Mexican soil. However, Polk dubbed it as "American blood spilt on American soil." This is a propaganda to get more Americans to support the war on Mexico.
  • America Declares War

    America Declares War
    America Declares war on Mexico for killing American soldiers.
    America declared war on Mexico after the events at RIo Grande. The Americans are again going to war to gain land, because of the manifest destiny.
  • American Forces Reach California

    American Forces Reach California
    Naval forces under command of U.S navy commodore Robert Stockton and Kearny's men from the east reach California.
    Date not specified
    Stockton reached the coast of California to fight the remaining hostiles. His "Heroism" earned him a city name in California.
  • Stockton Claims California for America

    Stockton Claims California for America
    Commodore Stockton raises the American flag over California.
    Date not specified
    The flag has been raised, and the Bear Flag Revolt was disbanded for their mission has been successful. It also feels that the "Bear Flag" did not also recive appropriate credit because they just immidiately disbanded after the " Stars and Stripes" had been raised.
  • Kearny Takes Santa Fe

    Kearny Takes Santa Fe
    General Stephen Kearny takes Santa Fe, New Mexico without a fight.
    Kearny took Santa Fe, as a result he now has New Mexico. The Mexicans did not even bother to fight the Americans. It might be a possobility that their forced concentrated on California and Mexico.
  • Santa Anna Returns To Power

    Santa Anna Returns To Power
    General Santa Anna returns to power to fight General Taylor.
    Date not specialized
    Santa Anna returned to office because he was Mexico's last resort. In reality he just wanted to get revenge from the Americans.
  • Battle of Buena Vista

    Battle of Buena Vista
    Mexican army lost the Battle of Buena Vista and Americans take the field.
    Date not specialized
    The war of Buena Vista was the turning point of the war. It also made General Taylor famous.
  • Donner Party Found

    Donner Party Found
    The rescue party assigned to locating the Donner party found 42 survivors out of 87.
    Date not specified
    The survivors that were found turned cannibals. It is very unfortunate that they had to eat each other to survive the vicious Sierra Nevada.
  • General Winfield

    General Winfield
    When Taylor's success stalled Polk sent Winfield, and in Mar 29, 1847 Veracruz fell after an 88-hour artillery attack.
    The fall of Veracruz weakend Mexican morale because their mightiest fortress was destroyed by the enemy. If General Winfield failed, maybe Mexico had the chance to fight with full morale.
  • Mexico City

    Mexico City
    U.S troops are at edge of Mexico City.
    Date not specified
    The U.S troops are nearing the capital, their hard work are soon going to pay off. If I was a Mexican soldier at this time I would be panicking
  • Fall of Mexico City

    Fall of Mexico City
    Mexico City falls and Santa Anna soon flees the country.
    Santa Anna flees Mexico because he was ashamed of himself. The Americans managed to win over Mexico despite the fact they lacked manpower.
  • Gold Found by James Marshall

    Gold Found by James Marshall
    A carpenter assigned at Sutter's mill discovered. but Mr. Sutter was trying to keep it a secret.
    Date not specified
    James Marshall was the first to discover gold while working on Sutter's Mill. Greedy Mr. Sutter wanted to keep the discovery a secret, but it did not stay a secret for long when a spanish worked yelled "Oro!".
  • Oregon Becomes a U.S Territory

    Oregon Becomes a U.S Territory
    Oregon Country is now a terrirtory.
    Date not specified
    Oregon Country was annexed first because it had ports that would increase trade between China and America. Oregon was more useful than Texas to the Americans when it comes to profit.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    U.S and Mexico signed treaty that ended war and forced Mexico to turnover its northern territory to U.S. It included California, Nevade, Utah, most of Wyoming, Arizona, and New Mexico.
    Date not specified
    The treaty gave the Americans adequate land. America has gained 25% of fresh land.
  • Polk's Confirmation of Gold

    Polk's Confirmation of Gold
    Polk confirmed that there is gold in California on his presidential farewell speech.
    Date not specified
    Polk confirmed the pressence of gold in California to attract people. He knew that America would make profit out of the rush.
  • Forty-Niners

    49ers reached California to prospect for gold and strike it rich.
    Date not specified
    The 49ers were also called prospectors, since they basically digged for money. The true story is that the buisness owner found fame and fortune.
  • Tax On Foreign Miners

    Tax On Foreign Miners
    California placed a tax on foreign miners.
    Date not specified
    The tax was called the license tax and it is said to be a requirement in order for an individual to mine.
    The truth is that it is just a way for America to descriminate its foreign miners.
  • Mass Immigration In California

    Mass Immigration In California
    About 20,000 immigrants arrived in California alone.
    Date not specified
    Immigrants from around the world flocked to America to seek opportunities. The truth is that found hardship rather than opportunity.
  • Beginning of Polygamy

    The practice of polygamy begins.
    Date not specified
  • Gadsen Purchase

    Gadsen Purchase
    America paid Mexico $10 million dollars for parts of Arizona and New Mexico.
    Date not specified
    The Gadsen Purchase was a ripoff to the Americans because a small chunk of land for $10 million American dollars. On the bright side America expanded again.
  • Trans-Continental Railroad Reaches California

    Trans-Continental Railroad Reaches California
    California now has a railroad system provided by the Trans-Continental Railroad
    Date not specified
    With the railroad tracks California can now trade with other states and its citizens can travel more quickly and sufficiently to other states. If the railroads had not come, California would be like a communist state since it was isolated from the rest of the country.