Manifest Destiny

  • Louisiana Purchase

    828,000 square miles the Louisiana Purchase Territory nearly doubled the size of the US. The US paid $15 million.
  • Oregon Trail

    People used this trail to travel west. Marcus & Narsisa Whitman followed the route to found an indian mission
  • Period: to

    Santa Fe Trail

    People used this trail to migrate west
  • Adams-Onis Treaty

    The Spanish control of Florida and it was very weak
  • Lune Start Republic Texons

    rebelled against Mexican rule they seized the mexican garrisons at Goliad and San Antonio. One year later the tezans declared their independence and adopted a republican consist union
  • Oregon Territory 54’40’ or fight line

    The families fought Native Americans at times, but often they received guidance from the western tribes. It took six months of travel at the speed of fifteen miles per day to reach their destination. James K. Polk was nominated in 1844 by the democrats. 54 40 or fight line meant 54 degrees 40 minutes or fight. Texas, California and all of Oregon territory was expanded.
  • Texas Annexation

    Texas joins the Union despite opposition from Mexico and non slaves
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    Mormons Migration

    Religious group that was emigrants that Brigham Young traveled to Salt Lake Utah to get away from persecution
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Mexicans made peace with the Americans. They were forced to give up a third of their country.
  • Gadsen Purchase

    US obtained from Mexico South Arizona and New Mexico got another 29,640 square miles
  • Treaty of Paris

    Officially ended the war