Managing your money smart goals

  • Educational

    By the end of the semester, I will raise my math grade to a B by studying 3 times a week.
  • Financial

    By the end of the semester, I plan to save $50 for college savings by going to the gas staion only once a week, and saving the money I would normally use for going to the gas station.
  • month

    Financial goal: My financial goal is going well. I haven't been to the gas station that much so that is saving me money. I also have shoveld 3 times and 2 of those times my mom payed me $10 so I have $20 saved up just from that.
    Educational: I do not really know how my goal is going because we don't have a math grade in yet. We just took a test however, and I feel like I should have got around a B on it. I have been studying most nights and completed all of my homework.
  • 2 months

    Financial: This past month I have not saved much money. I have not spent money on useless things but I have saved about $5 in change that I will use towards my savings.
    Educational: My math grade it at a B-. I will need to study more to get this up and possibly retake some tests. I retook my last test to get a higher grade. There are not many grades in so when there are more grades in my grade could go up.