Malia's Timeline

  • I was born

    I was born
    I came into the world. i was born 1 mounth early then my due date. i guess i was just excited abut meeting my family! I was born in Lajolla, California
  • Moving to Colorado

    Moving to Colorado
    When i was 8 we moved from Cali to Colorado and have lived here ever since. We moved so that we can be closer to family and so that my dad could start his own business.
  • quiting gymnasticis

    After 13 years of doing gymnastics i got tired of it and quiet. my parents were very upset with me but then they understood that a sport is something to be enjoyed not stressful.
  • Moving to Canon City

    After a couple years in springs my perents wantes to live in a smaller town so we moveed to Canon City my 7th grade summer.
  • new school

    It was the first day of school after the move. i didn't think i was going to like it because i didn't know anyone. But my 8th grade year was actually one of the best. I made a lot of new friends.
  • Volleyball

    Volleyball is one of my favorite sports but when i got into high school it changed. Volleyball was more stressful then it was fun. so i decided to do club volleyball in Springs
  • High school

    The first day of High School was a eye opener that what you do now will effect your future
  • top 5 life lessons for my kids

    They will be respectful, they will be hardworking,have strong faith in what they believe in. To always be yourself no matter what. lift others up.
  • Future

    Apply at SDS ( San DIego State) I would like to get my Bacholars degree, my Masters, and my Teaching degree.
  • Marriage

    I would have liked to meet the love of my life and to marry him by the time i am 22.
  • Work

    I would like to be a Phycical Theripist and be opening my own practice. I would like to give all my patients organic medicins
  • Children

    When i am 24 or 25 i would like to have my first kid. i plan on having at least 4 kids.
  • old age

    when i am 70 i plan on travling the world with my husband and learning about other cultures.
  • Death

    when i am 91 i would like to die while im sleeping. i would like to be creamted and have my ashes spred in the ocean.