Transgender bathrooms

  • Beginning of the movement

    Beginning of the movement
    Movement to create gender-neutral bathrooms at universities. 150 universities created gender-neutral restrooms.
  • A requirement

    A requirement
    Approval of law that requires gender-neutral signage on single-occupancy bathrooms.
  • Bathroom surveillance bills

    Bathroom surveillance bills
    States create bathroom surveillance bills that would require transgenders to use bathrooms that coorilate to their sex.
  • Washington state

    Washington state
    Washington stated that the law allowed transgenders to use restrooms that go with their gender identity.
  • Cities passing laws

    Cities passing laws
    Law in the city of Charlotte, NC that allows transgenders to use the bathroom of their choosing. This state passed this law after San Francisco, CA
  • A step backwards

    A step backwards
    North Carolina legislature passed a law stating that transgender people must use the bathroom of their birth sex, not of gender identity.