Nawaz Sharrif forms second government
After being appointed prime minister for the second time, Sharif takes away the president's power to dismiss the government and appoint the army chief to staff. he is, therefor, more secure during his second term in office -
Malala is born
India and pakistan conducts nuclear tests
india and pakistan conduct nuclear tests despite the international trend toward nonproliferation of nuclear weapons. this recieves international criticism, as the world fears an arms race and nuclear conflict between the two countries. -
Benazir Bhutto and her husband are convicted of corruption
Benazir Bhutto and her husband, Asif Ali Zaradari, are convicted of the corruption charges that led to the dismissal of her second government in 1996. THey are sentenced to five years' imprisonment and a fine, but Bhutto, who is in London at the time of her conviction, remains in exile. Zardari, who is under arrest at the time of his conviction, after being charged in connection with the murder of Bhutto's brother, is imprisioned for corruption. -
9/11 attacks
Pakistan publicly allies with the United States in the war against terror amid international pressure. However, because of the porous nature of the shared boder with Afghanistan, many people, including militants, enter Pakistan. Osama bin Laden also covertly enters Pakistan by this route. -
Pakistani army starts operation against militants in FATA
The FATA are populated by Pashtun tribes, which maintain their traditional forms of leadership with minimal intervention by the Pakistani government. -
Pakistani army lauches an attack into FATA
The Pakistani army launches an attack into FATA to remove the militants. they are not successful and sign a treaty with the militant Nek Muhammad Wazir. This sets a precedent for negotating with the Taliban in the area and undermines the historical tribal system. Muhammad does not keep the terms to this treaty. -
Maulana Fazlullah starts radio stations in SWAT
he starts dozens of illegal radio stations through which he preaches holy war. He eventually allies with the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, the Pakistani arm of the Taliban, who want to impose sharia across the country. -
massive earthquake
there was a massive earthquake in Pakistan that kills more than 70,000 people. -
army storms Red Mosque in Islamabad
they encourage violent acts to futher their agenda. -
Fazlullah sets up Islamic courts
he tells his followers to go against the army for this action. -
Benazir Bhutto assassinated
She is assassinated while campaigning for the election in Rawalpindi, Punjab. -
Taliban extend influence across SWAT
The Taliban do not adjust to a treaty, and violence against the Pakistani government, army, and civilians continues. Fazlullah declares a cease-fire. -
Zandari becomes president
THe Pakistan People's Party wins the elections in the wake of Benazir Bhutto's assassination. The party leadership is taken over by her son, Bilawal, and her husband, Zardari, who is elected president. -
Musharraf goes into exile
Musharraf goes into exile. -
girls must not go to school
All girs' schools in SWAT to close by this date, as annouched previously by Fazlullah. -
Pakistani government agrees to peace with Taliban
the peace imposes sharia in the region in return for a cease-fire. this essentially puts the region under Taliban control. -
Agreement breaks down as Taliban take over SWAT
Fazlullah breaks the terms of the agreement and starts extending his area of control. The Taliban take over the main town of Swat, Mingora, and then the districts of Buner and Shangla, which take them very close to the federal capital, Islamabad. -
Pakistani army vs. Taliban
the threat to the capital, Islamabad, causes the military to take decisive action in SWAT. Two-thirdsof the poulation of the swat valley flee the region -
Pakistani government declares Taliban cleared from swat
THe military action clears swat of the Taliban. Maulana Fazlullah escapes the athorities. -
President Obama annocement
President Obama announces 33,000 extra troops for Aghanistan, putting the total number NATO troops at 140,000. -
flood across Pakistan kills 2,000 people
THe floods are the worst in Pakistan's history. About twenty million people are affected, and a fifth of the country is inundated. -
Malala win Pakistan Nobel Peace Prize
Osama bin Laden killed in Abbottabad
Malala shot
Elections go ahead despite Taliban violence
For the first time in Pakistan's history, a democratically elected government has completed its term and transferred power to another democratically elected government. -
Nawaz Sharif wins to become prime minister for the third time
Musharraf returns and is arrested
He is arrested on the charge of overstepping his authority while in power. His arrest shows a marked change in the culture of Pakistan, where previous military leaders were not held accountable for their actions while in power. -
He named Me Malala came out
THis is a movie about Malala -
Malala addresses the Untied Nations
From her new home in Birmingham, England, Malala attends school and continues her campaign for education for children in every country.