Personal development timeline

  • Going to my first professional basketball game (WNBA)

    Going to my first professional basketball game (WNBA)
    This was my first time attending a professional basketball game and I was very excited because I love watching sports especially basketball no matter the gender. This plays a huge role because it made me see that I love basketball more then I realized which encouraged me to want to get better at it.
  • Getting A,B honor roll multiple times

    Getting A,B honor roll multiple times
    This is the time I got A,B honor roll for my 5th grade class every quarter of that year. This plays a big role because it's a lot of honor roll's and probably the most that I have gotten in a while.
  • Making it to high school

    Making it to high school
    This was my freshman year in high school and I was kind of excited to start high school at first but now I kind of dislike it. This event plays a huge role because it means that i’m almost done with school and I get to graduate.
  • Making the high school basketball team

    Making the high school basketball team
    Tryouts were the 8th and 9th and I thought I did a pretty good job and I went to go look at the paper and my name was on it for who made the team. The significance of this event was big because I love to play basketball and its apart of who I am.
  • Playing my first high school basketball game

    Playing my first high school basketball game
    This was my first high school basketball game and it was against Hermitage High School and we ended up winning the game 56-16. This wasn’t the teams first game though, we had a game before that against Deep Run High School but I wasn’t able to play.
  • Getting my learners

    Getting my learners
    I woke up early that day to study and then I went to take the test and after I finished I just looked if I passed or not and when I saw that I passed I didn’t bother to see what I got wrong I just got up and left. The significance of this event is also pretty big because it means that I can drive now and i’m one step away from my actual license.
  • Getting my first job

    Getting my first job
    I applied for this job around June and they called me back a few days later and told me to come in for a interview and I got the job so I'm still there today. This played a big role because it was my first time with a real job and I could finally make my own money and buy what I want whenever I want.
  • Being able to play organized basketball again

    Being able to play organized basketball again
    This is when organized basketball started back up after Covid and I was so excited because I missed playing it. This played a huge role because I love basketball so much and I missed being able to play it because of Covid.
  • My first time actually getting on the road while driving

    My first time actually getting on the road while driving
    This was my first time on a real road while driving and I was really nervous and scared but I got through it without crashing. This played a big role because it was my first time driving on a real road so when I did good that day I started to get confidence in driving.
  • Getting my first car

    Getting my first car
    This is when I get my first car for me to drive when I get my license. I was very excited for this because I was getting my own car. This is a big impact because I have my own car which means I don't have to ask to use my parents car.
  • Graduating High School

    Graduating High School
    This will be when I am finally done with high school and I get to move on to the next step of my life so I'm really excited for that.
  • Graduating high school

    Graduating high school
    This is going to be when I graduate high school and I am going to be really excited because I finally finished school and get to move on to the next step
  • First day of college

    First day of college
    I don't actually know when college starts so I just put a random month and day. But this is the day that I first start college and I can't wait for this because I think it's going to be a great experience and it's a huge step in the right direction to what I want to do next