The CD Record
Avery's attorney had discovered new CD evidence that was found on his nephews computer, but it seems like someone else was using it as well, making it seem as if there was a third party suspect. https://www.foxnews.com/us/steven-avery-attorney-claims-new-compelling-evidence-emerged-making-murderer-case -
Testing of the Bones
Zellner who is Steven Avery's Attorney, filed a motion to test human bones that were found in three barrels on his property. She asked the court to use this evidence and scientific evidence more a more clearer result https://www.newsweek.com/making-murderer-kathleen-zellner-files-new-motion-dna-testing-steven-avery-1265051 -
Colborn's Lawsuit
Colborn, who is a Manitowoc County official, stated that the documentary had misquoted one of his statements in the testimony and the reactions of people in court made him appear nervously. https://apnews.com/article/avery-dassey-defamation-lawsuit-netflix-making-murderer-14af11b912ed16ec0f6f645d4c324ee1 -
Confessions of a Killer
One inmate had written a letter stating that he killed Halbach by accidentally hitting her with his car and framed Avery for the murder. Zellner does not believe that any of this is true because it does not fit in with an of the evidence that was given but he was free at one point during Halbach's murder so it is hard to determine. https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2019/sep/27/making-a-murderer-confession-steven-avery-joseph-evans -
The 32,241 Brief
Avery's Attorney had written a 32,241 word document that came out to be 135 pages stating that the Wisconsin Court of Appeals should allow him to have a retrial or evidentiary hearing. https://www.wbay.com/content/news/Making-a-Murderer-Steven-Averys-attorney-asks-appeals-court-for-new-trial-563064491.html -
Courts Reply to Brief
The court filed a response to Avery's motion of appeal saying that the court denied his motion without holding a hearing. (https://www.nbc26.com/news/local-news/making-a-murderer-update-state-files-response-to-steven-averys-appeal) -
Signed Affidavit
Thomas Sowinski, who was newspaper delivery worker, reached out to Avery's legal team and signed an affidavit that he learned about Halbach's car on Avery's property which can allow new evidence for the jury. https://www.kathleentzellner.com/steven-avery -
Requesting Evidentiary Hearings
Many motions were filed for Avery's appeal but they are insufficient to entitle him to a hearing and the circuit court did not show their discretion with denying the motions to vacate and reconsider. https://fox11online.com/news/local/court-to-consider-averys-motion-on-evidence-recently-discovered -
The New Evidence
Zellner says that she plans on filing a petition to the court to include a big amount of new evidence but plans have been pushed back. https://www.aetv.com/real-crime/steven-avery-now -
The New Prison
Steven Avery has been moved from a high security prison to a medium security prison, while Zellner states that the next step is to get him back home. https://www.wbay.com/2022/06/23/steven-avery-moved-medium-security-prison-wisconsin/