Chris Greicius is diagnosed with leukemia and decides that he wants to help children who are going through similar situations to the one he was going through.
http://wish.org/about-us/our-story/how-it-started#sm.0000oghcopn0yed7x682n34xw59kk -
On this day Chris passes away leaving behind a great foundation to be continuously built upon.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2856333/The-little-boy-inspired-Make-Wish-Foundation-32-years-ago-dream-police-officer.html -
Arizona states accepts this foundation and gives them certification -
First Nominee
The first official Make-A-Wish kid, Frank "Bopsy" Salazar, has his wish granted when he wishes to be a fireman, ride in a hot air balloon and go to Disneyland. -
Prescott Balloon Ride
$2,000 is raised at Prescott balloon ride for the organization's first fundraiser. Allan Schmidt is elected the first CEO of Make-A-Wish. -
on this day a board meeting with Chris's close ones was conducted to elect the officers held and the following was decided:
President: Tommy Austin
Secretary: Grace LaScala
Treasurer: Dolli Peralta
http://wish.org/about-us/employment-and-internships#sm.0000oghcopn0yed7x682n34xw59kk -
New chapters
Make-A-Wish Foundation of America is incorporated to oversee the numerous Make-A-Wish chapters beginning to surface across the country. -
On this day Make-A-Wish foundation celebrates its 10th anniversary and grants its 10,000th wish.
http://wish.org/content/espn/my-wish-2016#sm.0000oghcopn0yed7x682n34xw59kk -
On this day the first World Wish Day is celebrated in 37 countries to recognize 30 years of wish granting.
http://wish.org/about-us/our-story/our-mission#sm.0000oghcopn0yed7x682n34xw59kk -
Happy wishes!
Make-A-Wish has granted more than 220,000 wishes in the United States and its territories – on average, a wish is granted every 38 minutes.