United states

Major US Events 1900 to the Present

  • 1907 Financial Panic

    1907 Financial Panic
    A bank panic that occurred in October 1907. NYSE fell by almost 50%.
  • Federal Reserve established

    Federal Reserve established
    Dec 23, 1913
  • World War I begins

    World War I begins
    Jul 28 1914 – Nov 11 1918
  • 19th Amendment gives women the right to vote

    19th Amendment gives women the right to vote
    Aug 18 1920
  • Roaring 20s

    Roaring 20s
    Economic expansion, Prohibition (1920-1933), and the Jazz Age
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    Black Tuesday - Oct 29 1929. By 1932, stock prices have declined by 80%.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    Oct 1929 – 1939
  • Social Security bill signed by FDR

    Social Security bill signed by FDR
    President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signs Social Security bill into law on Aug 14 1935
  • World War II

    World War II
    Sep 1 1939 – Sep 2 1945
  • Bretton Woods Agreement

    Bretton Woods Agreement
    System for monetary and exchange rate management established at United Nations Conference in New Hampshire
  • Civil Rights Movement

    Civil Rights Movement
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    Nov 1955 – Apr 1975
  • President Kennedy assassinated

    President Kennedy assassinated
    Nov 22 1963
  • Martin Luther King Jr assassinated

    Martin Luther King Jr assassinated
    April 4 1968
  • US abandons Gold Standard

    US abandons Gold Standard
    US officially abandons the gold standard. US dollars no longer backed by actual gold.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    Watergate break-in occurs in 1972. President Nixon impeached in July and resigns in Aug 1974.
  • Stagflation

    1974-1982: High oil prices, Inflation, Unemployment, and Recession
  • Dot Com Bubble

    Dot Com Bubble
    1995- March 2000
  • Euro launched

    Euro launched
    A major new currency, the Euro, is launched by 11 European nations
  • Housing Bubble

    Housing Bubble
  • Global Financial Crisis

    Global Financial Crisis
    Late 2007- Early 2009. From Oct 2007 high to March 2009 low, stock prices decline by 54%.