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Infectious diseases have been curbed
the penicillin - discovered by Alexander Fleming - appeared the first of a large family of antibiotics and followed by other antibiotics. -
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The era of transplants.
Organ transplants have been a huge step forward in combating chronic diseases. The first transplant of history, the one of kidney, in the year 1946 is already distant. -
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Creation of the World Health Organization.
The emergence of WHO (1948) as an international health coordinating agency has been key in combating cholera epidemics, polio epidemics or the infamous influenza A pandemic. -
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Medicine à la carte.
A key milestone in the history of medicine came in 1953 when Watson and Crick discovered the double helix of DNA. This laid the foundation for the knowledge of the human genome (2000) and enables a future not too distant to perform an a la carte medicine. -
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Fight against heart disease.
The control of infectious diseases has caused the main causes of death to be other, cardiovascular and oncological. In the fight against heart disease the treatment has been greatly revolutionized with the appearance of catheterism (the first was done in 1956, Dr. Forssmann did it himself), stents and pacemakers. -
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Emergence of bioethics
Today's medicine could not be understood without a solid bioethical foundation on which clinical research is based. How far you can investigate and when to stop. The beginning of this new stage of the investigation arose in 1964 with the Declaration of Helsinki. -
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New diagnostic tools have appeared
The technological revolution has resulted in the emergence of a whole diagnostic field related to the image. Thus, in 1972 appeared the first TAC -
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New diseases have appeared and others have disappeared.
to control the disease that has undoubtedly caused the greatest number of deaths throughout history: smallpox. In 1979 the last person with this new disease was registered. -
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New diseases have appeared and others have disappeared / part 2
In 1981 appeared a new disease that for decades kept in check the scientists of the world: AIDS. It took two years to know it had been produced by a virus. In recent years AIDS has ceased to be a disease with a very high mortality rate to become a chronic disease. -
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A world without tobacco.
In 2003, 192 WHO member states signed the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, an agreement aimed at curbing tobacco-related mortality and diseases. In our country the law came into force in 2006.