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Major Events of WWII

  • Poland and France agree to provide each other with military assistance in the event that either is attacked

    Poland and France agree to provide each other with military assistance in the event that either is attacked
  • Germany and the Soviet Union sign the Molotov-Ribbentrop non aggression pact

    Germany and the Soviet Union sign the Molotov-Ribbentrop non aggression pact
  • Great Britain and Poland form an alliance

    Great Britain and Poland form an alliance
  • German forces invade Poland

    German forces invade Poland
  • France and Great Britain declare war on Germany, WWII begins

    France and Great Britain declare war on Germany, WWII begins
  • Period: to

    World War II

  • One day after Poland surrenders to Germany, The Soviet Union and Germany split Poland between them

  • Finland falls to the Soviet Army

  • Denmark falls to German forces

  • Holland surrenders to Germany

  • Belgium falls to German forces

  • The ten-day evacuation of over 338,000 Allied troops from France

  • Italy joins WWII by declaring war on Great Britain and France

  • Norway falls to German forces

  • France signs an armistace with Germany, nearly all of France is German-occupied and conquered

    France signs an armistace with Germany, nearly all of France is German-occupied and conquered
  • Period: to

    The Battle of Britain

  • Italian forces invade Egypt

  • Germany, Italy, and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact and become the Axis Powers

  • Yugoslavia falls to German forces

  • British naval forces sink one of Germany's largest battleships, the Bismarck

    British naval forces sink one of Germany's largest battleships, the Bismarck
  • Germany breaks its non-agression pact with the Soviet Union and invades its land

  • Period: to

    The Axis lay siege on the Soviet city of Leningrad

  • Japanese attack Pearl Harbor

    Japanese attack Pearl Harbor
  • America and Great Britain declare war on Japan

    America and Great Britain declare war on Japan
  • Germany declares war on America

  • The six-day Bataan Death March of over 75,000 American and Filipino troops directed by the Japanese begins

    The six-day Bataan Death March of over 75,000 American and Filipino troops directed by the Japanese begins
  • Japanese naval forces retreat at the Battle of Midway

  • Period: to

    The Battle of Stalingrad

  • The German Afrika Korps are defeated after the twelve day battle at El Alemein

  • American forces capture the Japanese-controlled Island of Guadalcanal

  • The ghetto in Wasaw, Poland is attacked by German troops

    The ghetto in Wasaw, Poland is attacked by German troops
  • The German Afrika Korps surrenders to the Allies

  • American and British troops land on Italian Sicily

  • Benito Mussolini is overthrown

  • Allied forces take Sicily

  • Allied bombing campaign of Germany begins

  • D-Day -Operation Overlord- French liberation begins

    D-Day -Operation Overlord- French liberation begins
  • American forces recapture Guam, an American island, from Japan

  • Allied forces liberate Paris, France

    Allied forces liberate Paris, France
  • The last German offensive at the Battle of Bastogne ends after 10 days

  • After almost a month of vicious fighting, Americans take the Island of Iwo Jima

  • American forces invade Okinawa, a main Japanese Island

  • Period: to

    The Battle of Okinawa

  • Adolf Hitler and his wife Eva commit suicide

    Adolf Hitler and his wife Eva commit suicide
  • The Red Army takes the German capital of Berlin

    The Red Army takes the German capital of Berlin
  • Germany surrenders to the Allies

  • V-E Day, the war in Europe officially ends

  • American forces take Okinawa

  • The American bomber "The Enola Gay" drops "Little Boy", an atomic bomb, on Hiroshima, Japan. The bomb eventuallu kills more than 138, 661 civilians.

    The American bomber "The Enola Gay" drops "Little Boy", an atomic bomb, on Hiroshima, Japan. The bomb eventuallu kills more than 138, 661 civilians.
  • An American bomber drops a second atomic bomb "Fat Man" on Nagasaki, Japan

  • Japan surrenders- Victory in Japan (V-J) Day

    Japan surrenders- Victory in Japan (V-J) Day
  • Japan formally surrenders, WWII ends