Cotton Gin
The Cotton Gin was created by Eli Whitney to improve the ginning of cotton. As a result of this workers could clean more cotton then ever before when they could only clean by hand. This also caused an increased number of slaves that were working.
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQlQHLi4e74kKa82bA8jYrHJ-4QCaabDO9NrAOhzD5VoZ0f7sx8mQ -
Louisian Purchase
America purchases Louisian from Freance, this gave America a drastic increas in land over night, and alowed more area for people to settel.
https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSRIx61YrCTL--QC6E2HlFHMIODYU7LLyOaozdjGsL3nDbJtKwMACwQO6k -
American system
President Madison hoped that his plan would unite diffrent parts of the country and creat a strong, stable economy that would make the nation self-suffcient. The plan included a trasnportaion system and other improvments, protective tariffs, and a national bank.
http://mtviewmirror.com/wp-content/uploads/maxresdefault.jpg -
Missouri Compromise
The Missouri compromise was to insure that people supporting slavery and those who were opposed to it could both have area for what they supported. As a result Maine was add as a free state and Missouri as a slave state.
http://score.rims.k12.ca.us/score_lessons/evolution_of_civilrights/images/map.jpg -
Monroe Docterin
The Monroe Docterin was created in response to European Powers trying to retake colonies that they had lost in America. President Monroe then warned all ouside powers to leave the Western Hemisphere alone or it would be seen as a threat to the United States peace and safety.
https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRgx1-2YK5OBV_bB-hhOCGXkazQ8I9E8L1k88udq0VmtNMWfpeXPBuFIYk -
Nulification Crisis
This was a dispute over a tariff that became known as a Tariff of Abominations. This caused the north and south to start nullifing both their tariffd that were put into place.
http://www.loc.gov/rr/program/bib/ourdocs/Images/jackson.jpg -
Texas Revolution
Austin became heated with the Mexican government in trying to become a self governing state. This caused several reblions to start within Texas which became known as the Texas Revolution.
http://www.taliesyn.com/ralph/images/stex/alamo2.jpg -
Nat Turner's Rebellion
Turner gathered 80 followers and attacted four plantaions during theis he killed 60 white people before being captured by state and fedaral troops. Turner then went into hiding for sevral weeks befor later being captured, and hung. -
Treaty of Guadalupe- Hidalgo
The United States and Mexico signed the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo. Mexico agreed to have there border be a the Rio Grande which borderd Texas and ceded New Mexico and California to the U.S. The U.S. agreed to pay 15 million for the mexican cession.
http://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/tucson.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/1/c5/1c509c2e-2cec-11e0-a75b-001cc4c03286/4d462f9e9b78a.image.jpg -
Compromise of 1850
The compromise was to apeas both the north and south which made California a free state and to make the south happy the Fugitive slave act was put into place. The act said that any escaped slaves could be returned to there master even if they cross over into a free state. http://www.ushistory.org/us/images/00080486.gif -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Harriet Beecher Stow published Uncle Tom's Cabin. This work caused strong reactions to come from the north and south. The novel's plot was melodramatic and many characters were stereotypes, the book was to speak out on slavery.
http://utc.iath.virginia.edu/uncletom/illustra/figures/cover15.jpg -
kansas- nabraska act
Douglas introduced a bill to cut the area into two territories Nebrascka in the north and Kansas in the south. If the bill were to pass it would end the Missouri Compromise and establish popular sovereignty in both areas.
http://www-tc.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/media/uploads/lincolns_shifting_1854.jpg -
Dred Scott decision
The Dred Scott case is about if a slave that lives in a free state for a prirod of time could then be considered free. The court ruled that African Americans were not and could not become citizens, this then prevented Scott from becoming free and remained enslaved.
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part4/images/4dred10m.jpg -
Harpers Farry
John brown aimed to seize the fedaral arsanal in West Verginia. He then distributed the armes to freed slaves and started a slave uprising in the area. The group held hosteges in the hopes that slaves would join the rebelion, but non came. Eight of Brown's men were killed by Colonel Robert E.. Lee.
http://www.sonofthesouth.net/leefoundation/civil-war/1861/may/harpers-ferry_Picture1.jpg -
Election of 1860
During the election of 1860 the Democratic Party split of ver the issue of slavery. The Northern Democrats backed Stephen Douglas and his doctrin of popular sovereignty. Another party was formed that ignored slavery altogether. -
South Caralina Sessedes
South Caralina seced to the Union, this caused an uproar in the south calling for states rights. The platers feared their way of life would be lost at this turn of events.