Ww2 pic

Major Events in WW2

  • World War 2 Begins

    World War 2 Begins
    Germany invades Poland and World War 2 begins! This was important because this was the whole start to World War 2
  • Canada declares war on Germany!

    Canada declares war on Germany!
    Canada declares war on Germany. This is important because Canada had gained the right and authority to declare war independently. So while the effect was the same, Canada was still at war, it was their own choice instead of being decided in London. Also, it allowed them to have their own adjustments for conscription and other war related issues.
  • 58,000 Canadians enlist in Canadian Armed Forces

    58,000 Canadians enlist in Canadian Armed Forces
    More than 58 000 Canadians volunteered in Canadian Armed Forces. This was important because the citizens were hardworking and serious about it.
  • Canada declares war on Italy

    Canada declares war on Italy
    This was important also because Canada had gained the right and authority to declare war independently still after declaring Germany
  • The Canadian Federal Government uses the War Measures Act

    The Canadian Federal Government uses the War Measures Act
    The Canadian federal government uses the War Measures Act to order the removal of all Japanese Canadians residing within 100 miles of the Pacific coast for reasons of "national security".
  • Japan and Canada declare war!

    Japan and Canada declare war!
    Japan declares war on Canada. Canada declares war on Finland, Hungary, Japan and Romania. The tension of war wanting to begin was severe.
  • Canada gets attacked

    Canada gets attacked
    50,000 strong Japanese force attacks Hong Kong. Canadian, Indian and British protectors put up fearless defense, outnumbered 5 to 1.
  • Dieppe Raid

    Dieppe Raid
    5,000 Canadian, 1,000 British and 50 Americans participate in raid on Dieppe, France. Canadians took 3,367 casualties including 907 killed. It was important because the raid was an experiment in landing techniques, British wanted to show Russia and U.S. they were willing to open Second Front in France, the aim was to take and briefly hold a port on the French coast, and the need for more worldly aquatic equipment and techniques.
    Watch this link on Dieppe Raid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSK
  • Japan gets kicked out of their home

    Japan gets kicked out of their home
    Federal government removes 22 000 Japanese-Canadians from the coastal areas of British Columbia and putted them inland. This shows Canada's racism towards a different race at the time
  • Canadian participation in Allied landing in Sicily, Italy

    Canadian participation in Allied landing in Sicily, Italy
    The Allies invade and take the island of Sicily. This was important because the assault on Sicily was to be the introduction to the invasion of mainland Europe.
  • Canadians support active peace involvement

    Canadians support active peace involvement
    A Canadian Gallup poll signifies that 78% of Canadians support active peace involvement in maintaining world peace. This is important because war means, destruction and agony. Peace means progress and happiness.
  • D Day: The Allied invasion of France.

    D Day: The Allied invasion of France.
    14,000 Canadians land on Normandy beaches apart of Operation Neptune. 1,000 Canadian casualties. D-Day is important for World War II because it was the main Allied invasion of continental Europe. It was this invasion that allowed the Allies to finally defeat Germany.
  • The 1st Canadian Army supported Allied elements towards Falaise

    The 1st Canadian Army supported Allied elements towards Falaise
    The 1st Canadian Army supported Allied elements towards Falaise. This was important because Canadians close the gap at Falaise completing the pinzer movement, traping 200,000 Germans inside the pocket.
  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany Surrenders
    German forces on the British and Canadian front surrender. This was important because Canada plays a key role in liberation of Holland.