The Council of Nicea
The Council of Nicea was brought together in 325 CE by the Roman Emperor Constantine I. This council consisted of bishops and other chrisitan and political leaders who had come together to create a common belief/form of Christianity so that there would be no further confusion or Conflict in Christian beliefs. The major decision the came to was the affirming the concept of the trinity: The father, son and holy spirit were co-equal and co-eternal persons. This belief is still continued today. -
The fall of the Roman Empire
The Roman Empire fell in 476 CE when the final Roman emperor, Romulus Augustus was deposed by Odacer (a germainic chief). This date is often used along side the emergence of montheistic religions as a reason for historians periodization of 500-1000 CE. -
Jun 8, 632
The split between the Sunni and the Shiite
The split between the Sunni's and Shiite's occured in 632 CE after the death of the prophet Muhammad. The Sunni's held the belief that they should elect the next caliph but the Shiites believed that the caliphs should remain in the bloodline of Muhammad. This is significant because this difference in religious beliefs still brings up conflicts in modern day. -
Period: Jun 8, 632 to Oct 4, 661
The rule of the early Caliphates
The rule of the early caliphates starts with Abu Bakr in 632 CE. It was a rule which influenced the Dar-al-Islam land. The caliph (deputy) made all major political and religious choices. The early caliphates in particular were especially important because they identified the standard rule of law (Sharia) and created the foundation under which current muslim rulers follow even to this very day. -
Period: Oct 4, 640 to Oct 4, 770
The theme system
The theme system was used by the Byzantine empire which divided the empire into different districts that were each led by a general, they were created so that the military could respond quickly to attacks. Peasants who joined the army were given plots of land, thereby increasing the free peasant class. This was significant because the theme system was the major foundation which held together the Byzantine empire. Whem the theme system fell apart the Byzantine empire also fell apart. -
Oct 4, 653
Sharia Law (when it was written)
Sharia ("the right path") law was a law code used by both the early and late caliphs. It is a collection of sayings from both the Quran (the Muslim holy book) and the Prophet Muhammad. Sharia law contains laws for family matters, criminal matters, criminal procedures and continues to influence muslim values today. It was a common law code enforced over all of Dar-al-Islam. Similar to Justinian's Code it created a foundation for later caliphs in both political and religious affairs. -
Jul 6, 1056
The Great Schism
On this date "The Great Schism" or the split between the Western Roman empire's Roman Catholic Church and the Byzatine Empire's (Eastern Roman empire) Greek Orthodox Chruch occured. This spilt was brought on by the mutual excommunication between the pope from the Western Roman empire and the Emperor from the Byzantine Empire. -
Period: Oct 4, 1185 to Oct 4, 1573
The Japense Samurai
The introduction of the Samurai into Japenese culture occured in 1185. Much like the Caliphs and the Roman emperors they are held as respected individuals and leaders. They were proffessional warriors of provincial lords who valued loyalty, military talent and discipline. They observed the Samurai code "bushido" and engaged in ritual suicide called "seppuku". They were significant because they symbolized the main political and military leaders of Japan in Medieval Japan. -
Period: Oct 4, 1206 to Oct 4, 1526
The Sultanate of Delhi
The Sultanate of Delhi was an Islamic state established in Northern India. It was one of the major factors which led to the spread of Islamic culture, ideas and values although it was established through a political rule in Delhi, India. As India was mostly decenteralized during this time the Sultanate of Delhi introduced a form of political rule in India which lasted for over 300 years. To this day India contains on eof the largest muslim communities in the world. -
Justianian's Code
Justinian's Code also known as "The Body of Civil Law" was a collection of laws and legal interpretations which were created and sponsored under the Byzantium Emperor Justinian I. There was no knew written law in this collection it was only a series of past laws all collected in one written series. Justianians code important in the Byzatine Empire because it united both the political figures and the people. It also created a political foundation for the future Byzantium emperors.