Saints and Leaders of the Catholic Reform
- new religious orders and other groups founded to help catholic renewal
- St John of the Cross
- St Teresa of Ávila
- St Francis of Sales
- St Vincent De Paul
Council of Chalcedon
- try to find language that keeps in balance and holds together the 2 natures of Jesus
- human nature
- divine nature
- "fully human and fully divine in one person"
- many centuries working to clarify issues
- Birth of the Church
- Beginning of Persecutions of Christians
- Destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem
- Division of the Roman Empire into eastern and western parts
- Fall of Rome to the northern tribes
- The Edict of Milan greats tolerance to Christianity
- The Council of Nicea
- The Council of Chalcedon
Jan 1, 1320
The Black Death
- plague erupted in Gobi desert 1320s + spread in every direction from there
- severe population loss
- came from the near east
- symptoms were high fever, aching limbs, vomiting of blood, swelling of lymphnods
- got its name because of the Black glands
Jan 1, 1517
The Reformation
- Pope Leo X granted indulgence for contributions towards the building of the new St Peters Basilica at Rome
- Corruption in various parts of church
- Caused the Reformation
- Resulted in a movement called Protestantism
- Martin Luther's attack on indulgences was immediate cause of Reformatted in Germany
Jan 1, 1534
Council of Trent
- responded firmly to the issues of the Refirmation
- the council forbade many corrupt practices umong priests, bishop and cardinals
- Paul |||
- reformed the clergy
- no one appointed bishop until ordained for 6 months
The First Vatican Council
- Blessed Plus |X
- Attended by 744 Bishops
- Reviewed and summarised Catholic faith and dealt with authority of the Pope
- Teaching that Pope had supreme power over Church
- Doctrine of papal infallibility
The Second Vation Council
- World horror after WW||
- United Nations guardian of human rights
- Increased power among Western nations
- Developed nations involved in dangerous Arms Race
- Second Vatican announced by Pope John XX||