Major Events In Space 1957-1975

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  • Sputnik 1

    Sputnik 1
    Sputnik was the first satellite to orbit earth. It was the first man made satellite to orbit earth, it looked like a shiny metal ball in space weighing about 405 pounds. Sputniks mission lasted 1 month untill the battery died. It was a very big step that launched the space race.
  • Laika

    Laika was the first living creature to orbit the Earth by the satellite Sputnik II. However, she died a few hours after launch. The Soviet Union did not make a treatment plan for Laika after they landed back on earth causing Laika to die hours after from improper care in space.
  • First Woman In Space

    First Woman In Space
    Valentina Tereshkova went into space on the Vostok 6. She spent three days alone in space. Her spacecraft comes within three miles of Valeri Bykovsky in Vostok 5. This was another first in space, for spacecrafts to pass this close together while in orbit.
  • Surveyor 1

    Surveyor 1
    First robot spaceship in space. NASA sent this robot spaceship, to make sure they could land safely to ensure the safety of the astronaughts lives. John F. Kennedy promised to land men on the moon as soon as possible so started sending robots to space, to test the landing. After landing, Surveyor took pictures of the moons surface scientists used this information to learn how to land safely on the moon.
  • Saturn V Rocket

    Saturn V Rocket
    First test flight of the Saturn V rocket, which would carry dozens of spacecraft into space in the years to come. The Saturn V Rocket would change science and space forever. It would let you see a new perspective of earth and would help discover more about space.
  • First Men To Walk On Moon

    First Men To Walk On Moon
    Neil Amstrong and Edwin Aldrin set a new record when they were the first humans to walk on the moon. Neil Armstrong was also the first person to land a space craft on the moon. He had been flying ever since the age of 16 when he got his flight certificate.
  • The Space Shuttle Challenger

    The Space Shuttle Challenger
    Challengers first launch ever was on April 4, 1983. After the 9th successful take off, about 73 seconds after being launched Challenger explodes while in flight. The 7 crew members were killed leading to a serious let down to NASA they felt they had failed. The explosion was caused by a rupture in the solid rocket booster. NASA started making more safety features in space shuttles ever since to ensure the safety of their crew members.