
Major Events In Iraq (1980-Present)

By BenFu
  • Iran-Iraq War Start

    Iraq invaded Iran through ground and air troops prompting the start of the Iran-Iraq war. It is primarily known as the start of the Persian Gulf War and would last for another 7-8 years.
  • Iran-Iraq War End

    After approximetely 8 years it ended in a stalemate with a U.N made ceasfire treaty named Resolution 558. The usage of weapons of mass destruction in the war prompts future events to happen such as Operation Desert Storm.
  • Invasion of Kuwait

    Iraq started invade Kuwait and within 2 days Iraqi troops occupied most of Kuwait in that period. This was known as the formal start of the Gulf War which would expand over half a year. It is also known as Operation Desert Storm.
  • Operation Desert Storm /1st Gulf War

    The start of the military campaigns by the US with the US forcing Iraqi troops out of Kuwait at February. This battle was primarily known for the US mission during 17th of January 1991 where a frontal attack to force Iraqi troops out of Kuwait begun. A ceasfire was agreed upon by the UN by the name of 'United Nations Security Council Resolution 687' on April 1991.
  • Bombing of Iraq

    After the attempted assassination attempt on George H W Bush (President during that time and Geroge W Bush's father) while he was visiting Kuwait. The president ordered an attack on the Iraqi intelligence office, since there was evidence pointing to the guilt of the Iraqi intelligence. At June 26th missles were launched on a building in Baghdad that was supposedly the headquarters of the Iraqi Intelligence and thus giving a message to Iraq.
  • Operation Desert Fox

    Following the refusla by Iraq to destory their Weapons of Mass Destruction and the refusal of inspectors to see what the government was planning. In response President Bill Clinton ordered missle strikes on important factories producing Weapons of Mass Destruction with the aim to prevent Iraq from mass producing weapons. The operation also included the destruction of key buildings such as the secret police headquarters.