Major events from the FDR administration

  • First New Deal

    First New Deal
    The First New Deal was a plan introduced by FDR to combat the Great Depression. It focused primarily on relief and reform, creating millions of jobs for Americans.
  • National Housing Act

    National Housing Act
    FDR signs the "National Housing Act," which establishes the Federal Housing Administration. To learn more about it.
  • Emergency Relief Appropriation Act

    Emergency Relief Appropriation Act
    FDR signs the "Emergency Relief Appropriation Act," which allotted $5 billion towards his New Deal programs. This led to the creation of the Works Progress Administration.
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    FDR signs the "Social Security Act," which created the revenue system for elderly and unemployed Americans. This led to the Social Security tax.
  • State of the Union Address

    State of the Union Address
    FDR addresses the United States of America, and warns them to be cautious and ready for self-defense for the threat of war from Europe. To read the full transcript.
  • A Letter to Hitler

    A Letter to Hitler
    FDR writes a letter to Adolf Hitler, who was then chancellor or Germany, to urge him to have peace between Germany and Czechoslovakia.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    Germany officially invades Poland, which leads to the start of World War II. Roosevelt strives for America to remain neutral.
  • A Third Term

    A Third Term
    FDR wins an unprecedented third term of presidency.
  • GI Bill

    GI Bill
    FDR signs the "GI Bill," which ensures housing, education, and various needs to veterans after the war.
  • Roosevelt's Death

    Roosevelt's Death
    President Franklin D. Roosevelt passes away after suffering from a massive cerebral hemorrhage. His presidency reigned from 1933-1945, and he was never alive to see the end of the Second World War. Harry S. Truman becomes President.