The fall of Rome
Rome was overrun by a lot of tribes that wanted its a loot and its land. Rome was too big to self sustain its massive army. Between that and the repeated assaults of the nomadic tribes Rome could not hold together, it split and the Western half fell. The Eastern half, under the name of the Byzantine empire, will continue to exist for another millenia. This will destabilize Europe until Charlemagne unites it again. The time between these two empires is widely referred to as the dark ages. -
Period: 476 to
The timespan of my timeline
Period: Jan 1, 600 to Dec 31, 1100
The dark ages
This time is known as the dark ages -
Jan 1, 771
Charglemane is crowned king of the Franks
Charlemagne was crowned of his father’s old empire. he is now king of the Franks. He would go on to conquer other territories. This would allow him to unite northern Europe under one rule. He would spur on innovation and art creating a mini-Renaissance that would be a small reprieve from the current barbarism. Because of his large territory he will be crowned the “Holy Roman Emperor” by pope Leo III on christmas day 800. His short but influential reign will spark a new era for medieval Europe. -
Dec 1, 1066
The battle of Hastings
The battle of hastings and William the conqueror brought feudalism to England which will be the main political system in England until the Renaissance. The feudal system will make England prosper until it has its finish. It was the last time england was conquered. All the Anglo saxon nobles were taken away and replaced by the french counterparts. This will affect how England and rest of europe was governed right until the late 1600’s. therefore making it one f the most significant events of Engl -
Jan 1, 1096
The Begining of the Crucades
The Crusades were a series of “Holy” wars fought by Christians against Muslims to retake Jerusalem. Even though most of the fighting was inconclusive it spurred trade and travel because there was new goods to be sold. This will be the beginning of the end of feudalism because it will bring many problems such as towns, trade and the middle class. -
Period: Jan 1, 1096 to Dec 31, 1400
The Crucades
This is when the crucades happned from the first to the last crucades. -
Jan 1, 1215
The Magna Carta
The Magna Carta was forced upon King John of England by his feudal barons. The document said that he must hand over lots of his powers to them and the church. They did this because they were worried about him getting too powerful. When the king signed this document it changed power relationships in europe forever because the nobles got more and the king was restrained. There will be some kings who go against this but to this day it is still a major piece of legislation regarding the monarchy. -
Jan 1, 1300
The rise of towns and trade
Towns and trade undermined the feudal relationships because the people who worked in the towns were not controlled by nobles. The towns paid with money not land. Land currency wan one of the main pillars of the feudal system. With more stress on the trade from the Crusades the towns had to increase capacity and more people came. The people who came abandoned the feudal system and therefore less power was put on the system. -
Jan 1, 1348
The Black Death
The Black Death lowered europe's population by up to one half. This drastic population decrease lowered the amount of workers to work on the farms the labour shortage caused higher demand for labourers. That meant the workers could demand higher wages and move on if thier demands are not met. Because the feudal “contract” relied on land and protection this turned things upside down. This caused the lords to act, they made a law that no peasant can be paid more than they were. -
Period: Jan 1, 1348 to Dec 31, 1350
The Black Death
Jan 1, 1381
The Pesants Revolt
The peasants revolt was a time of destruction for London as the peasants ransacked the city. Thier leaders wanted new right for the peasants. After agreeing to their demands they were sent off. They got more right and the statute of labourers abolished. Even though it did not last long it gave peasants long lasting rights and new recognition. -
Jan 1, 1400
Humanism was about focusing art and culture more to humans and not on religion. This would advance are because it became mainstream. Before only church members could experience art. This mentality lasts with us until today because even now we focus art and culture on the human not so much on the church. -
Jan 1, 1400
The Renisance
The Renaissance was a time when the learned began to look back on greek and roman artists and philosophers. This “time of rebirth” spurred on art and thinking to new heights. The beginning of the Renaissance was the death of feudalism and the feudal contract. These new ideas and art were vastly influential for centuries to come. The Renaissance was a bridge between the medieval era and the modern age. -
Period: Jan 1, 1400 to
The Renaissance