Major Events and People in the History of Computers

  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
    designed the first automatic calculator
  • Period: to

    Start To End Dates

  • Herman Hollerith

    Herman Hollerith
    Was the first to take Jacuqurd's Punch card concept and apply it to his machine
  • Z1 Computer

    Z1 Computer
    Is thoughtto be the first computer include certain features intergral to todays system
  • Eniac

    Developed to calculate the setting used for Weapons.
  • Importance of Basic

    Importance of Basic
    It Means Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code .Language that beginning programing that students could learn easily.
  • First Generation Computers

    First Generation Computers
    The UNIVAC and regular computers where considered fist generartion.
  • Univac

    First commercially successful electronic ditigal computer.
  • Second Generation Computers

    Second Generation Computers
    Transistors replaced the bulky vaccum tubes. it was almost used for everything.
  • Third generation Computers

    Third generation Computers
    The computers in this early intergrated circuit.
  • Jack Kilby

    Jack Kilby
    While Working with Texas Instruments . he invented the worlds first intergrated circuit.
  • Fourth Generation

    Fourth Generation
    Computers that used a mircoprocesser chip.
  • Birth of GUI

    A few years before Apple Launched its personal computer photocopier.
  • Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs
    He and Steve Wozniak form apple together.
  • Altair Computer

    Altair Computer
    Monochromac display
    Cicuitry Hidden under the keyboard .
    sold 10,000 the first month
  • Wordstar

    First Word Processing application.
  • Visicalc

    First electronic spreadsheet application.
  • Bill Gates

    Bill Gates
    He worked at microsoft to write an OS program for the IBM PC
  • Osbourne

    First Portable computer that weighted in 24.5 pounds
  • Apple 2

    Apple 2
    Marketed to bussinesses and consumers
    Floppy disks drives optional
    64 KB to 256 KB Of RAM
  • Page Maker

    Page Maker
    The first Desktop Publishing software .
  • Excel

    One of the first spreadsheet to use a graphical user interface.
  • Mosaic

    This Broswer allowed users to view multimedia on the web causing internet traffic to increase by nearly 350%
  • Netscape

    A team of developers launched netscape. which became a predominate player in broswer software.