Major Events and People in the History of Computers

  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
    Designed the first automatic calculator, called the Analytical Engine
  • Herman Hollerith

    Herman Hollerith
    Was the first to take Jacquard's punch card concept and aplly it to computing with his Hollerith Tabulating Machine, which automatically read data punched onto small punch cards
  • Eniac

    Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer.
    A US government sponsored machine developed to calculate the settings used for weapons.
    Thought of as the first successful high speed electronic digital computer, although it was big and clumsy.
  • 1st Generation Computers

    1st Generation Computers
    Last to use vacuum tubes to store data
  • Univac

    Universal Automatic Computer.
    First commercially successful electronic digital computer.
    Gained notoriety when as a publicity stunt it was used to predict the outcome of the Stevenson-Eisenhower presidential race, and was correct in its prediction.
    Considered first-generation computers and amoung the last to use vacuum tubes to store data.
  • 2nd Generation Computer

    2nd Generation Computer
    Used transistors
  • 3rd Generation

    3rd Generation
    Integrated Circut
  • Jack Kilby

    Jack Kilby
    Invented the worlds first integrated circut, a small chip capable of containing thousands of transistors

    Beginners All-Purpose Sybolic Instruction Code
    A programming language easily understood.
    The key language of PC
  • Bill Gates

    Bill Gates
    Used BASIC to write a program for Altair, and lated created the software company Microsoft
  • 4th Generation

    4th Generation
    Used microprocessor chips
  • GUI

    Graphical User Interface
    Allowed users to interact with the computer more easily.
    (the Lisa was the first computer to introduce GUI to the market)
  • Altair Computer

    Altair Computer
    First Personal Computer
  • Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs
    Co-Created the Apple Computer Company.
    Previously worked for atari
  • Apple II

    Apple II
    Color Monitor, Sound, and Game Panels
  • WordStar

    First word processing application
  • VisiCalc

    First electronic spreadsheet application
  • Osbourne Computer

    Osbourne Computer
    First Portable Computer
    Weighed 24.5 ponuds
    (Osbourne later closed, and design bought by Compaq in 1983)
  • PageMaker

    The first desktop publishing software
  • Excel

    One of the first spreadsheets to use graphical user interface
  • Mosaic

    Web browser thatallowed users to view multimedia on the web.
    Caused internet traffic to increase by nearly 350%
  • Netscape

    Browser which soon became prodominate in browser software