Major Events and People in the History of Computers

  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
    Main Pont: Known as the father of the computer, known for originating the concept of a programmable computer. Interesting Fact:Babbage's design was never completed.
  • Herman Hollerith

    Herman Hollerith
    Main Point: Known as the father of modern machine data processing. Interesting Fact: Was the founder of the Tabulating Machine Company which is now known as IBM.
  • Z1 Computer

    Z1 Computer
    Main Point: 1st freely programmable computer in the world, but was unreliable during use. Interesting Fact: This computer was destroyed along with all construction plans during the bombardment of Berlin in WWII.
  • Period: to

    1st Generation Computers

    Main Point: 1st generation computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory, and were often enormous taking up entire rooms. Interesting Fact: They were expensive and used a great deal of electricty.
  • Introduction of the GUI

    Introduction of the GUI
    Main Point: allows a computer to move from application to application. Interesting Fact: The visual operating display that the monitor presents on the screen to the operator.
  • Eniac

    Main Point: 1st general- purpose computer, capable of being reprogrammed to solve a large amount of numerical problems. Interesting Fact: Initially designed to calculate artillery firing tables for the U.S. Army.
  • UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer)

    UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer)
    Main Point: 2nd commercial computer produced in the U.S. Interesting Fact: The 5th UNIVAC was used to predict the 1952 presidential election.
  • Bill Gates

    Bill Gates
    Main Point: Part co- founder, cheif executive and chairman of Microsoft, the largest personal computer software company in the world. Interesting Fact: The most consistently wealthiest man in the world.
  • Period: to

    2nd Generation Computers

    Main Point: Transistors replaced vacuum tubes which was a vast improvement for vacuum tubes. Interesting Fact: These computers were developed for the atomic industry.
  • Jack Kilby

    Jack Kilby
    Main Point: Took part in the realization of the 1st integrated aircraft in 1958. Interesting Fact: Awarded Nobel Prizes for physics in the year 2000.

    Main Point: general- purpose codes that emphasizes ease of use for computers. Interesting Fact: BASIC stands for Beginner's All- Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.
  • Period: to

    3rd Generation Computers

    Main Point: During the 3rd generation of computing the integrated circuit was seveloped, transistors were miniaturized and transformed into semiconductors which drastically increased the speed and efficiency of computers. Interesting Fact: Printouts were no longer used, instead keyboards and monitors were now available on the 3rd generation computers.
  • Period: to

    4th Generation Computers

    Main Point: The micropressor was developed as thousands of integrated circuits were built onto a single silicon chip. What in the first generation would fill an entire room would now fit in the palm your hand. Interesting Fact: Computers became more powerful and could be linked together to form networks, which eventually led to the development of the internet.
  • Altair Computer

    Altair Computer
    Main Point: 1st personal computer that was easily affordable and obtainable. Interesting Fact: At this time there was no store to buy a computer at, you had to build your own system using the instructions and parts that came with the kit.
  • Apple II

    Apple II
    Main Point: 1st computer with a color display and was the first user- friendly system, that was ready for use right out of the box. Interesting Fact: No other computers had 8 expansion slots like the Apple II did which provided more flexibility.
  • WordStar

    Main Point: A word processor that was difficult to add new features which affected its performance. Interesting Fact: WordStar was bundled with Osborne and other computer makers which made the sales grow from $500,00 to $72 million in just 5 years.
  • Osborne Computer

    Osborne Computer
    Main Point: 1st portable, full featured computer which includes all componets required to be an opperational system. Interesting Point: What makes it portable is you just unplug it from the wall socket and and attach the keyboard to the system.
  • Visicalc

    Main Point: Was the 1st spreadsheet computer program, considered to be the application that turned the microcomputer from a hobby to a serious business tool. Interesting Fact: VisiCalc came about from a professor creating a financial model on a blackboard that was ruled with lines to create a table with formulas and data being written into the cells. When there was an error you had to erase it and rewrite it. So Dan Bricklin replicated it using an electronic spreadsheet.
  • Excel

    Main Point: A spreadsheet application featuring calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for applications. Interesting Fact: Uses codes to do a wide variety of actions.
  • PageMaker

    Main Point: One of the 1st desktop publishing programs which was an application relying on graphical user interface. Interesting Fact: PageMaker helped to popularize the Macintosh platform and Windows.
  • Mosaic

    Main Point: First browser written and supported by a team of full- time programmers. Interesting Fact: Mosaic is not the 1st web browser but it is the most credited browser known for popularizing the World Wide Web.
  • Netscape

    Main Point: U.S. computer service company that was known for its web browser that was once dominantin terms of usage. Interesting Fact: Netscape usage fell from 90 percent in the mid 90's to less than 1 percent in 2006
  • Created by: Andrew McElwreath

  • Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs
    Main Point: Co- founder, chairman and CEO of Apple Inc. Interesting fact: Was an entrepreneur that founded many of widely used companies all over the world.