Bombing of Twin Towers
On 9-11, four planes were hijacked by Al-queda terrorist.Two were flown into the Twin Towers, one into the Pentagon, and another into a feild in Pennsylvania. Over 3,000 people were killed, a horrible tragity. The terrorists hated Americans. -
The Euro is Introduced
On January 2, 2002, the Euro became official. 12 countries in Europe joined so they could all use the same currency. Now some countries you know that use the Euro include Germany, France, Greece, and Spain. Today there is trouble with the Euro in Southern Europien countries. -
Space Shuttle Columbia Explodes While Re-entering the Atmosphere
The Space Shuttle "Columbia" exploded over North Texas on Feb. 1st, 2003. It exploded because the left wing had become damaged during take off. 7 astronauts were killed, including the first Israeli in space. It was a horrible disaster. -
Facebook is Launched
Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg for other Harvard students on 2-14-04. He created the world's largest social media network from hid college dorm. The network wasn't open to the public until 2006, but as of March 2012, it has 901 million users world wide. -
Hurricane Katrina Hits the US Coast
Hurricane Katrina was a horrible disaster that happened to the U.S. coasts of Mississippi and Louisiana. This hurricane was a catagory 5 hurricane, the worst type and caused 75 billion dollers in damage. It put 80% of New Orleans under water, and in some places the water went 20 feet deep! It killed 1,836 people, 1577 of them from Louisiana and 238 of them from Mississippi. Kuwait made the largest donation of $500 million, but Qatar, India, China, Pakistan and Bangladesh also made donations. -
Spaceship Leaves for Pluto
The mission for Pluto started on Jan 16, 2006. The space ship is planned to be at Pluto in 2015. The take-off kept being delayed from cloads and some other things. The rocket got to Jupiter in 2007. The discoverer of Pluto's ashes are on the ship so they can travel to what he discovered. -
First Women Speaker of the House
California Democrat Nancy Pelosi became the first women Speaker of the House on January 4, 2007. She will be the speaker for the 100th Congress. She is with the Democrats. It is a mile stone for women's rights. -
Global Financial Crisis
The economy was failing. Signs started showing up around early September and lasted through the rest of the year. It was called the Global Financial Crisis, the worst econimic happening in America since the Great Depprision. High food and oil price, inflation, credit crisis, and high unemployment all are contributing to this. -
Airplane Hits Flock of Geese
A US Airlines flight hit a flock of geese, making it start crashing on Jan. 15, 2009. The pilot landed it in the Hudson river, and all 150 passengers and 5 crew members survived. The pilot was named "The Hero of the Hudson" for her quick thinking. -
Oil Spill in the Gulf
An oil rig spilled on the gulf coast on April 20, 2010. The spill was a horrible disasterr for the envirement. Many animals were killed and 11 workers were killed. The oil rig was rusty and damaged. -
Osama Bin Laden Killed
Osama bin Laden was killed on May 1st. He was living in a mansion located in Pakistan. He was the leader of the terrorist group, al Queda. A bullet was shot through his head, killing him. He was later droped into the sea. -
London Olympics
The 2012 olympics were held in London, England. They were one of the best yet with an awesome opening ceromony, with the queen of england skydiving into the stadiam, a entire renenactment of England's history, and lots of fireworks and music. America (of course) came out on top, with 104 medels, 46 of them gold, 29 silver, and another 29 bronze. It was also Engand's third time hosting the olympics during the Mordern-era, and also, go team USA!