Major Event w/Hook

  • +5 My First Birthday

    I had a party at home with Friends and family. They were celebrating my first birthday at our house in the Philippines.
  • +5 Moving to Canada

    Me and my mom moved to Canada when I was 4. We came from the Philippines. We moved here because my dad found work here.
  • +4 My first Christmas in Canada

    We had a family gathering and had a food potluck. Everyone got to have a present.
  • +4 My first Birthday in Canada

    It was during winter and we had friends and family that came over. We all shared different types of food.
  • +5 Got my first ps4

    I got my first ps4 back in 2014 after we sold my ps3. It was really fun to use and was much better than the ps3.
  • +4 My 10th Birthday

    I invited friends and family to Chuck E Cheese on my birthday. We all got to have unlimited credits for 2 hrs.
  • +3 First Time in Junior High

    I went to Junior High when I was 11 years old. I was going to turn 12 during that year. We were going to have final exams at the end of the year but then Covid hit, cancelling the exams.
  • +3 Getting my first and second dose of vaccine.

    I got both doses of the vaccine now. It should prevent me from getting covid.
  • +2 First Christmas of the Pandemic

    We didn't have a family gathering, but we still celebrate Christmas as a family.
  • +3 Second Year of Junior high

    During grade 8, I was doing my first year of online school. It was hard but I knew it was the only way to stay safe and healthy.