Major Event of North American Colonization

  • Period: Oct 12, 1492 to Sep 10, 1493

    Columbus encountered the new world for the first time

    On October 12 Columbus had finally boarded land after sailing across the ocean for many mounths. He had landed in what is now known as the united states of America.
  • Period: Sep 11, 1500 to

    French began fur trade with Indians

    This is when Collonists made peace, and traded with Idians around area, for furs, and leather. But this lead to a mass murerder of Indians.
  • Period: Apr 13, 1534 to Jun 9, 1534

    Jacque Cartier sailed the St. Lawrence

    The sailer Jacque was ordered by his king to sail around to find treasure so he sailed the waterways near Asia, and France. Two mounths later he was in easteren Canada, where he discovered new waterways.
  • Period: Aug 12, 1538 to Nov 13, 1543

    Hernando's Expedition

    Hernando was sent out by the King of Spaiin to explore the land of Flordia. He had learned many tribal languages, and culture to help him withthis exploration. After many years he was done, nad came back with word around the lands.
  • Period: Apr 13, 1540 to Sep 15, 1542

    Coronado's Expadition

    Coronado was moving his army across the land looking for riches, and indiant ribes to slaughter for any goods they may have.
  • Period: Nov 12, 1550 to

    Juan de Onate founded Santa Fe

    Juan had be granted his request to concor New Mexico, his first order of bussiness was to send troops out to look for treasure that was never found. Pedro de Peralta on the other hand had discovered Santa Fe in 1607.
  • Period: Sep 8, 1565 to Sep 10, 1565

    Spanish establish St. Augustine, Florida

    A man called Pedro, and other men explored the sea near Flordia when he discovered the land known as Matanzas Bay. Then he began the founding of Presidio of San Agustin.
  • Period: to

    John Rolfe introduced tobacco to Virginia

    A man by the name of John Rolfe had when to Virginia, to sell his new crop to the colonists. As it turns out the crop was used for chewing, and latter on smokeing takeing that edge off from killing Indians.
  • Period: to

    Attempted Roanoke Colony

    The Roanoke Colony was a small Colony that was going to be attacked by Spanish ship while it was being built. The people of this town had fled away from the town in fear of being killed. They were never heard from again.
  • Period: to

    Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec

    Samuel was a French explorer look around North America for treasure and glory. During this time he created the city of Quebec a colony for New France.
  • Period: to

    Jamestown, Virginia founded

    104 English men were exploreing when they created a settlement named after there king James. So Jamestown was created in North America.
  • Period: to

    First African slaves arrived in Virginia

    A group of people were discovered, and considered slaves, and captuered, and transported by the Dutch people. These people eventually made it to Virginia where they were sold as slaves to make money for the Dutch.
  • Period: to

    South Carolina colony founded

    King Charleses men where exploring wher they dound a small colony of people near South Carolina. These people werre kind, and soon became part of the Spanish Colony.
  • Period: to

    Marquette and Joliet sailed down the Mississippi

    Marquette and Joliet were French explores who were exploring the westeren Great Lakes. They eventually found dozens of waterways, when word of this hit France Louis the XIV made a Frence Emirpe Streching from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean.
  • Period: to

    Beaver Wars

    The Beaver Wars were when the Colonists fought Indians along with other Colonys of people of the North American lands.
  • Period: to

    The Pueblo Revolt

    This was the uprisin gof Pueblo people who were harrassed by Spanish colonizers. They had killed and drove them out of New Mexico.
  • Period: to

    Pennsylvania Colony founded

    In 1681 parts of the Pennsylvania Colony were found. Thanks to this discovery we may find more colonies from around the time period of the old settlers.
  • Period: to

    Georgia Colony founded

    A group of James men were traveling along the coast near Jamestown where they found a colony of people named the Georgia Colony.
  • Period: to

    Plymouth, Massachusetts founded

    A rock was found which used to be part of the Virginia Colony, but then was made into the Plymouth Colony.