Graduation from Elementary School
When I graduated from public school my life changed forever. I was starting a new chapter in my life without a safety net. My elemenary school was a very communitzed place: each teacher knew every student in the entire school's name. When you were reconginized for something everyone knew it and congradulated you. But, at my graduation ceremony it all change I was preparing to head out for high school where tere is no safty net to fall into. This is at my graduation with a group of my friends. -
First Day of High school and Grade 9
High school was a major change from elementary school. I found this out on the first day. First of all the school is much larger than my public school and second of all it was busy, there was people everywhere. Ultimatly I was scard that first day but as the progessed I became comfortable with my surondings ans I did'nt understand why I was so scared. The photo is of my schools name and mascott. -
First Highschool Exams
I have two older siblings and growing up all I heard was, "Exams are soon, I'm so nervous!!" In January when exam time came around I got nervous too because I remeber my sister and brother saying how exams were so hard. But after I wrote my first exam I wasn't nervouse at all because I knew that if I studied hard I would be fine and I was fine for all of my exams. -
Close Friend's Grandma Past Away
This change was very hard for me because Chris was like a third Grandma to me. Chris was had been battling cancer for the second time when she past away, Mackenzie ( my friend is picture with Chris in the photo). I helped my friend cope with her lose I let her cry and talk to me about anything. Before Chris passed away when the cancer came back I helped suppprot Mackenzie through the hospital visits. Chris was very important to Mackenzie and being close to Chris was hard.She was an amazing woman -
Final Day in Grade 9
As my frist year in high school came to an end I know soon another year will start. I learned alot throughout my grade nine year I know now who my close friends are and who will stick by me to the end. I also gained alot of knowledge of different types of people I will meet in my future. I also know how to organize myself for the coming school year.