
major advents in church history j.duggan

By joo
  • 451

    the council of Chalcedon

    the council of Chalcedon
    covenerd by pope leo VIII. dealt with beleifs in christ having just one nature
  • Jan 1, 1348

    bubonic plague

    bubonic plague
    the bubonic plauge or black death was a zootomic disease spread by the flees on rats. it would kill a person within two-three days of first sight. the disease was made of black coloured boils mainly in the neck, armpit and grion areas. the victims had a 50% survival rate
  • Dec 13, 1545

    the council of trent

    the council of trent
    most important council of the 27 councils of the church. it was made to be against protestantism
  • The reformation

    The reformation
    protestant reformers and their followers split form the catholic church. led to the creation of new national protestant churches.
  • the counter-reformation

    the counter-reformation
    was a catholic reformation: precceded by the council of trent. major elements
    -Ecclesiastical reconfiguration
    -religious orders
    -spiritual movements
    -political dimensions
  • the first vatican council

    the first vatican council
    the council meet at the vatican basilica. the council was created to deal with contemporay problems of the rising influence of rationalism, liberisrn and matreialism
  • the second vatican council

    the second vatican council
    opened by pope john XXII. it adressed relations between the church and the modern world
    a few topics
    -the nature and reform of the lilurgy
    -the word of god
    -role of priests and bishops
    -the media
    -the church and how it relates with modern world