Maiya's Life

By gowdarm
  • Maiya was born

    Maiya was born
    I was born on this day. It was great.
  • Maiya got a dog

    Maiya got a dog
    Zoe was added to the fam. She was crazy (rip)
  • Maiya got another dog

    Maiya got another dog
    This dog is pretty chill. She thinks she's human tbh.
  • Maiya's first time on a plane

    Maiya's first time on a plane
    I'm a Sagittarius and we are known to love travel but my first time on a plane was 2017 to Toronto. Crazy !
  • Maiya is regretting not going to Hair School

    Maiya is regretting not going to Hair School
    It was between this and becoming a hairdresser... I'm not entirely confident in my decision...