• 476

    Beginning of the Middle Ages: 476

    Beginning of the Middle Ages: 476
    The Western Roman Empire fell in the year 476, this is the beginning of the Middle Ages
  • 500

    Music and religion

    Music and religion
    Music began to be used religiously
  • Period: 500 to 1400

    Encompassed the sacred and secular music

    Medieval music encompasses the sacred and secular music of Western Europe during the Middle Ages.
  • 590

    Gregory the Great becomes Pope: 590

    Gregory the Great becomes Pope: 590
    In the year 590, Gregorius Anicius is elected Pope, taking the name Gregory I
  • Period: 700 to 1000

    New artistic manifestations: 700-1000

    The Middle Ages in the West meant, especially from the 8th and 11th centuries, an interesting flourishing of new artistic and cultural manifestations
  • Period: 711 to 1492

    Muslims are in Hispania: 711-1492

    The Muslims conquered a large part of Al-Ándalus in the year 711, but little by little the Christians were reconquering
  • 900

    Romanesque: 900

    Romanesque: 900
    Romanesque art is created
  • 1200

    El Mio Cid

    El Mio Cid
    It's a famous Spanish book, but we don't know who wrote it.
  • Period: 1400 to 1500

    The Reinassense

    It was a big period that started from Italy to Europe
  • 1453

    The fall of the Byzantine empire

    The fall of the Byzantine empire
    It's when one half of the Roman Empire fell.
  • 1492

    The discovery of America

    The discovery of America
    It was a big event that was between the Middle Ages and the Reinassense
  • 1492

    Ending of the Middle Ages: 1492

    Ending of the Middle Ages: 1492
    The fall of the Byzantine Empire and the discovery of America, the Middle ages is the end of the Middle Ages.
  • 1500

    The growth in polyphonic music

    The growth in polyphonic music
    It started to grow in the Reinassense.
  • Period: 1518 to

    The Protestant

    Martin Luter started Protestant music in the 16th century.
  • Period: to

    The King Luis period

    Luis was a very very important french king and he wanted to dominate all of Europe
  • Carlos II die

    Carlos II die
    Carlos II was the king of Spain. He died in 1700
  • French evolution

    French evolution
    The French Evolution was a big Revolution that made the french people and they killed a lot of people.