Beginning of the middle age
beginning with the end of the Roman Empire -
Period: 1095 to 1492
the crusades
they were a series of military campaigns promoted by the Pope and carried out by much of Christian Latin Europe, mainly by the France of the Capetos and the Holy Roman Empire. -
Hundred year war
the Kingdom of England waged war against the Kingdom of France. -
Period: 1348 to 1350
The black plague
It is the most threatening epidemic of the European Middle Ages, and significantly weakened the feudal system and the Church in Europe. -
Period: 1378 to 1417
the great schism
The Church suffered the first shock in 1054, when it was divided into the Eastern and Western Christian Church. The Eastern Orthodox Church believed that the Western Catholic Church was corrupt and exploitative. -
invention of the printing press
It is a mechanical method intended to reproduce texts and images on paper -
constantinople fall
from there the age of rebirth begins -
discovery of America
colon discovers america in October 12, 1492 -
expulsion of the Jews
It was ordered in 1492 by the Catholic Monarchs through the Edict of Granada in order to prevent them from continuing to influence new Christians -
Forced conversions of Muslims in Spain
they were promulgated through a series of edicts that banned Islam in the kingdoms of the Hispanic Monarchy in present-day Spain. -
Carlos V king of Spain
Felipe II king of Spain
originated by a new way of conceiving art (the "baroque style") -
occurred in a social, economic, religious and political depression. -
Period: to
expulsion of the moriscos
It was ordered by King Philip III and carried out in a staggered manner between 1609 and 1613. -
Period: to
war of succession in Spain
It was an international conflict that lasted from 1701 until the signing of the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713, whose fundamental cause was the death without descent of Carlos II of Spain -
expulsion of the Jesuits
was ordered by King Carlos III under the accusation of having been the instigators of the popular riots of the previous year, known as the Esquilache Mutiny -
steam machine
He built and patented in 1769, from an atmospheric machine of Thomas Newcomen and Savery of 1712, the first steam engine with an external condensation chamber for practical use. -
death of socrates
He was a classical Greek philosopher considered one of the greatest, both in Western and universal philosophy. -
Period: to
frech revolution
it was a social and political conflict, with various periods of violence, which convulsed France