• 476

    Fall of the Roman empire

    Fall of the Roman empire
    The Middle Ages began when the Western Roman Empire fell
  • Period: 523 to 524

    Boethius writes The Consolation of Philosophy

    Anicius Manlius Severinus Boëthius, a Roman senator and official, is imprisoned by King Theodoric the Great. As he awaits his trial, Boethius writes this philosophical treatise, which examines various questions, including why bad things happen to good people. It has since become a major work of philosophy.
  • 695

    The organum was developed.

    The organum was developed.
    It is an early form of counterpoint, which eventually led to polyphony. This type of song had a plainchant melody with at least one added voice to enhance the harmony. There is no real independent second voice, so, it is not yet considered polyphony.
  • Dec 25, 800

    Reing of charlemagne

    Reing of charlemagne
    begining of the Reing of charlemagne
  • 1066

    Norman conquest of England

    Norman conquest of England
    At the Battle of Hastings, Duke William of Normandy defeats Harold Godwinson and establishes his rule over England.
  • Period: 1100 to 1200

    the age of the Goliards

    the age of the Goliards. The Goliards were a group of clergy who wrote satirical Latin poetry to mock the church. Some known Goliards were Peter of Blois and Walter of Chatillon.
  • 1135

    Gothic buildings emerge

    Gothic buildings emerge
    A new architectural style that would flourish in medieval Europe, it has its beginnings with the work done by French abbot Suger and his work on the Basilica of St Denis in Paris.
  • Period: 1301 to

    rediscovery of classical philosophy , literature and art

    from the 14th century to the 17th century, the Renaissance promoted the rediscovery of classical philosophy, literature and art
  • Period: 1346 to 1353

    The Black Death

    The Black Death (also known as the Pestilence, the Great Mortality or simply the Plague) was a bubonic plague pandemic occurring in Western Eurasia and North Africa
  • Period: 1397 to 1474

    Guillaume Dufay

    The lifetime of Guillaume Dufay, a French and Flemish composer, popular as a leading composer of the early Renaissance. He is known for his church music and secular songs. One of his compositions, "Nuper Rosarum Flores" was written for the consecration of Florence's great cathedral, Santa Maria del Fiore (Il Duomo) in 1436.
  • 1454

    Johannes Gutenberg

    Johannes Gutenberg published the Gutenberg Bible, using a new printing press technology that would revolutionize European literacy.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    The end of the Middle Ages

    The end of the  Middle Ages
    The end of this period was with the discovery of America
  • 1495

    Leonardo da Vinci

    Leonardo da Vinci
    Leonardo da Vinci paints the Last Supper.
  • 1503

    Julius ll

    Julius ll
    Julius II was appointed pope, bringing in the start of the Roman Golden Age
  • 1517

    Protestant Reformation

    Protestant Reformation sparked by Martin Luther. Significant changes occurred to church music such as the introduction of a chorale. It was also the period when the Psalms of the Bible were translated into French and then set to music.