
Main events of Mexico's history

  • Mexico's Independence 1810-1821

    Mexico's Independence 1810-1821
    It was a movement with the purpose of making Mexico independent from Spain and France.
  • Independence of Texas 1836

    Independence of Texas 1836
    Texas declared independence from Mexico because they felt they didn't belong, and years later they joined the United States.
  • Mexican American war and Mexican cession

    Mexican American war and Mexican cession
    It was a war of Mexico and The United States that happened between 1846 and 1848. During this period Mexico was forced to give away some territories to put an end to the military ocuppation of the United States in Mexico.
  • Reforma war

    Reforma war
    This was a civil war between the liberals and the conservatives, and it happened from 1858 to 1861. Both groups wanted to protect their ideas.
  • second mexican empire

    second mexican empire
    It was the period of time when Maximiliano de Habsburgo was the emperor of Mexico, from 1864 to 1867.
  • Porfiriato 1877-1910

    Porfiriato 1877-1910
    It was the period of time in Mexico when Porfirio Díaz was the president, this was from 1877 to 1911.
  • Mexican revolution 1910- 1921

    Mexican revolution 1910- 1921
    It was an armed conflict in Mexico, as a result of the Porfiriato and all the social and economical problems of the country.