Main Agriculture in Libya

  • 1962

    Agriculture started to receive more attention. The government started to encourage land use and started agricultural wage policies.
  • 1963

    During this year the government borrowed money to buy land from Italian settlers to purchase land for recreation instead of farming.
  • 1984

    This year, the average index of food production per capita decreased by about 6% between the years of 1974-1976. In 1984, Libya imported over 2 million kg of cereal.
  • 1998

    Throughout the 80's about 70% of Libya's food was imported. By the year 1998, cereal production increased to 207 million kg and met 15% of the countries needs.
  • 2018

    Nowadays, the main crops produced in the country are wheat, barley, maize, and millet that are the ceral crops.