Happy Birthday songThe event of my birth is the most important thing to ever happen to me and my development. Once I had been born, nurture began to shape me into who I am today. Outside of the womb, I was able to begin socializing with my sister, parents and other members of my family, I started to soak up language and bond with my mother, important steps in social development. Physically, I began to eat and produce waste as well as grow rapidly, without the constraint of my mother's body, -
Parent's Divorce
Before I can even remember, at the age of 2 years old, my parents got divorced and my dad moved to Toronto (we lived in Guelph). This effected me socially and emotionally. Socially, I had one less parent watching me, playing with me (although my mother was in no way neglectful) and spent more time with family friends and babysitters. This seperation from my father caused me to bond less with him, despite seeing him on the weekends. -
Divorce part 2
Today, I only see my dad 2 or 3 times a year and we are not close. However, because of the absence of a second parent during my early childhood, I am very close with my older sister, Natalie and my mother, closer than many of my peers are to their families. Both my sister and my mother are warm, social, trusting people and I believe that they have influenced my social devlopment quite positively. -
Learning to read
Learning to read was a very important milestone in my cognitive development, I learned to read earlier than my peers which was one of the first signs of my giftedness. Reading would from this point on be a very influential tool to my learning, as I love to read for pleasure and it quickly became a way to teach myself, something I still enjoy doing. -
Mother got remarried, I got a step-dad and a sister
When I was 7 years old my mother remarried and I got a new step-father and step-sister who have become two of my main supports and mentors. They have influenced my social and emotional development specifically, My new sister, Dani is close to me in age and intelligence and it was very beneficial to me to have someone I could trust and relate to. In fact, to this day, Dani is one of my closest friends. She introduced me to the benfit of relationships with people my own age because previously -
Remarriage part 2
I spent most of my time alone or talking to people older than me, especially adults. Dani helped me feel more comfortable at school and around other children my age in general. My step-dad doesn't work so he was home to support me and listen to me when my mom was busy, which caused me to become a more social person and more comfortable communicating with others. -
Got Accepted into Congregated Gifted Class
At the end of grade 6, I learned that I wouldn't be going to Queensmount like most of the other students in my class, but that I would attend Courtland as a student in the Congregated Gifted Class. Obviously a curriculum geared more towards my learning style and ability was very influential to my cognititive development, I learned a great deal and was free to explore topics that interested me, It was in the congregated gifted class where I discovered my passion for social justice and became -
Congregated Gifted Class part 2
a more dedicated student over all. Socially I also bonded with peers who I could relate to and finally became fully comfortable interacting with and trusting people my own age, -
Sister went to University
When I was 11 my sister moved out to go to university. This left me as the only child left at home and I would remain as such for my entire adolescence, This effected my social development as it effected my relationship with my sister, because I didn't see her as often so I missed her and we fought less about trivial things, and my mother and stepfather because they now expected more of me, This change in family dynamic caused me to become a lot more independant and responsible as well. -
Came Out as Queer
I'm Coming Out
In the middle of eigth grade I came out as queer to my parents, sisters and friends who didn't already know (I came out to my closest friends a few months prior). This coincided with me having my first girlfriend (or romantic relationship in general) which has been a very significant milestone in my social/romantic development. Entering the dating world has improved my communication skills and has helped me become more -
Coming Out part 2
comfortable with myself. I also feel closer to my family because except for my dad and his wife, my whole family (even my grandparents) have been very accepting and I trust them more than ever. Although I accept myself and would never choose to change, being openly queer has effected my social development negatively as well due to minority stress.I often do not feel safe or comfortable being open, especially in public and I sometimes feel disrespected, invisible and/or unwanted by others (cishet -
Got accepted into The I.B. Prgram at Cameron Heights
For grades 9 and 10 I went to Cameron Heights for the International Baccalaureate program. I was consistently challenged by the curriculum, teachers and my peers, all which/whom contributed to my cognitive development. In 2 years I learned what's typically seen as 3 years worth of education (in public school) and in English we often studied books that are studied in university, Also due the workload, IB also improved my memory and studying habbits. -
Became vegetarian
simpson vegetarianismBecoming a vegetarian effected me more than I initially thought it would. It effected my physical development by causing weight loss as well as anemia before I began to take iron supplements. It also effected my social development by changing the way I relate to my family where food is concerned. Since becoming a vegetarian I have cooked my own meals almost exclusively since the rest of my family eats meat. I have gained more independance and I also feel like it aided in my moral development. -
Divorce part 2
I clean more, do my own laundry (etc) and am alone a lot more often (sometimes for a week or more). This doesn't bother me, in fact I like being trusted and treated like an adult. I trust others and know that I can rely on them if I need to but it's also important to be able to take care of yourself, something I've learned how to do. I feel like for the most part, I've become an adult, -
Parents Got Divorced
When I was 15, my stepfather moved out and a divorce soon followed, My mother's second divorce influenced my social/emotional development, but not necessarily negatively because of my age and because I still have a very close relationship with my stepdad (I see him every week). It has effected me however, because now I just live with my mom. She is a busy woman and I'm now treated like an adult, My stepdad stayed at home so with his absence and I began to take over what he used to do. -
Became vegan
Becoming a vegan has effected my social, emotional, physical and moral development. Physically, I have lost weight and my skin has become more clear. It also effects my social life, and thus my social development because my life revolves less around sharing food with others or going out for food. Emotionally I feel more connected to animals and am more sensitive to cruelty to animals than ever before. Lastly, I have developed morally because of my veganism. I consider the feelings and lives -
Veganism part 2
of others and how my actions impact the world. I feel more compassionate, responsible and better about my place in the world. -
ACCKWA part 2
and empathetic person and am less likely to judge others, -
Started job at the AIDS Committee
This summer I worked full-time as a office assistant and outreach worker for the AIDS Committee of Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo & Area. I learned many things, including office skills, multitasking and facts about health and HIV /AIDS specifically, furthering my cognitive development, Socially it has impacted me by introducing me to a variety of people that I may not have met otherwise, including IDUs, sex workers and people who are HIV+. I think this has helped me become a more compassionate