Mahatma Ghandi Born
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born Oct.2,1869. He was born in Porbander, near Bombay. -
Mahatma Gandhi went to South Africa
Went to South Africa... And was first so called "colored" lawyer. He went to the Supreme Court and then he built a large practice -
Founded the Natal Indian Congress
Mahatma Gandhi founded the Natal Indian Congress. Which is to agitate for Indian Rights -
The Boer War
During the Boer War he raised an Ambulance Corps. He also served the South African Government. -
Mahatma begins peaceful reveloution
Mahatma stated that he would go to jail or even die before obeying an anti-Asian law. -
War World I
In 1914 Mahatma got out of jail and once again started an Ambulance Corps for the British. He did that before going back home to India -
Mahamta becomes Leader
Mahatma becomes leader in the new formed Indian National Congress Political Party. This organization was to help reconile the people. -
Mahatma's New Program
Mahatma lauched a noncooperation campaign against Britain. Urging the Indians to get their own goods for themselves. This led to imprisonment. -
Mahatma's Victory
Mahatma finally won! He won India's Indepence for them! -
Mahatma's Death
Mahatma died while going to pray in Delhi. He was killed by a Hindu who was very mad with Mahatma trying to get Muslims and Hindu's together.